Twagirimana Thadee

Metrologist at Rwanda Standards Board

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About Twagirimana Thadee

Twagirimana Thadee works as a Metrologist at Rwanda Standards Board, which is a Banking company with an estimated 46 employees. Twagirimana is currently based in Rwanda. Found email listings include: @rsb.gov.rw.Explore more

Twagirimana Thadee Current Workplace

Rwanda Standards Board

2018-present (7 years)

Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) is a public institution established by Rwandan Government Legislation N° 50/2013 of 28/06/2013 determining the mission, organization and functioning of the Rwanda Standards Board to undertake all activities pertaining to the development of Standards, Conformity Assessment and Metrology services in the country. It is the only body with powers to define and possess national standards. Public services and public or private firms must present their standards to RSB for adoption at national level. RSB's mission is to be a trusted party in providing internationally recognised and customer suited standardisation services through provision of standards-based solutions for consumer protection and trade promotion for socio-economic growth in a safe and stable environment.

Org Chart - Rwanda Standards Board






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Twagirimana Thadee

What company does Twagirimana Thadee work for?
Twagirimana Thadee works for Rwanda Standards Board as Metrologist
What is Twagirimana Thadee’s role in Rwanda Standards Board?
Twagirimana Thadee’s role in Rwanda Standards Board is Metrologist
What is Twagirimana Thadee’s email address?
Twagirimana Thadee’s email address is t***@rsb.gov.rw
What is Twagirimana Thadee’s business email address?
Twagirimana Thadee’s business email address is t***@rsb.gov.rw
What is Twagirimana Thadee’s direct phone number?
Twagirimana Thadee’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Twagirimana Thadee’s work phone number?
Twagirimana Thadee’s headquarters phone number is +250 788303492
Which industry does Twagirimana Thadee work in?
Twagirimana Thadee works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Twagirimana Thadee’s peers at other companies?
Twagirimana Thadee’s peers at other companies are Yulita Pawestri, Umuhuza Chaste, Fanny Permatasari, Bumi Rihlatu, Bernard Ntegamaherezo.
Who are Twagirimana Thadee’s colleagues?
Some of Twagirimana Thadee’s colleagues are Johnny Uwimana, Modeste Uwimana, Sibomana Paul, Florence Uwatwembi.
How can I contact Twagirimana Thadee?
Twagirimana Thadee contact details: Email address: t***@rsb.gov.rw Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Twagirimana Thadee based?
Twagirimana Thadee works for Rwanda Standards Board, located at Rwanda
See more information about Twagirimana Thadee

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