Tri Wahyudi

Pipefitter at PT Truba Jaga Cita

Tri Wahyudi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Tri Wahyudi Work Experience Summary

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About Tri Wahyudi

Tri Wahyudi is a Pipefitter at PT Truba Jaga Cita based in Pasar Minggu, North Sumatra. Previously, Tri was a Pipefitter at Koin Pratama and also held positions at PT Jurong Engineering Lestari, Barata, Siemens.Explore more

Tri Wahyudi Current Workplace

PT Truba Jaga Cita

2024-present (2 months)

Following a more than 40-year long journey from PT Truba Jaya Engineering (formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering) in the construction and EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) fields, PT Truba Jaga Cita was established in November 2016 after a spin-off PT Truba Jaya Engineering's operation and maintenance division. The establishment was a part of PT Truba Jaya Engineering's grand strategy to accelerate business growth and provide better professional services through quick decision making to support our clients' needs who want on-time delivery, minimum down time, manageable risk and qualified resources. We provide solutions for operation & maintenance (O&M), routine maintenance (predictive, preventive and reactive), non-routine maintenance (overhaul, relocation and modification), recondition and upgrade, retrofit and construction in the onshore fields of mechanical & piping, civil & structural work, electrical, instrumentation & control, coating & painting, insulation, chemicalSee more

Tri Wahyudi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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Work Experience

Work Experience


Koin Pratama








Org Chart - PT Truba Jaga Cita






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tri Wahyudi

What company does Tri Wahyudi work for?
Tri Wahyudi works for PT Truba Jaga Cita as Pipefitter
What is Tri Wahyudi’s role in PT Truba Jaga Cita?
Tri Wahyudi’s role in PT Truba Jaga Cita is Pipefitter
What is Tri Wahyudi’s direct phone number?
Tri Wahyudi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tri Wahyudi’s work phone number?
Tri Wahyudi’s headquarters phone number is +62 2122780808
What is Tri Wahyudi’s latest job experience?
Tri Wahyudi’s latest job experience is Pipefitter at Koin Pratama
Which industry does Tri Wahyudi work in?
Tri Wahyudi works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Tri Wahyudi’s peers at other companies?
Tri Wahyudi’s peers at other companies are Dominic Moresco, Colby Newbanks, Charles Currin, Ray Wilson, Nato Garcia.
Who are Tri Wahyudi’s colleagues?
Some of Tri Wahyudi’s colleagues are Bernandos Zen, Nur Fauzan, Addam Pamungkas, Aji Subroto.
Who is Tri Wahyudi?

Tri Wahyudi is a Pipefitter at PT Truba Jaga Cita based in Pasar Minggu, North Sumatra. Previously, Tri was a Pipefitter at Koin Pratama and also held positions at PT Jurong Engineering Lestari, Barata, Siemens.... Read More

Where is Tri Wahyudi based?
Tri Wahyudi works for PT Truba Jaga Cita, located at Indonesia
See more information about Tri Wahyudi

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