
Trent Schrock

Owner at Paragon Landscape Construction

Trent Schrock Email & Phone number


(260) ***-****

Trent Schrock Current Workplace



Number of Employees

About Trent Schrock

Trent Schrock is an Owner at Paragon Landscape Construction based in Hanover, Massachusetts.

Trent Schrock Current Workplace

Paragon Landscape Construction

2005-present (19 years)

PARAGON LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION, INC. is an award winning full service landscape construction company located in southeastern Massachusetts. At Paragon we are committed to the aesthetic integrity of every project and design. Our craftsmanship and strict adherence to performance standards allows us to provide the highest quality in our landscape construction, stonework, plantings, and property maintenance services. We work with clients, builders, and landscape architects to build New Englands premier landscapes. Our efficient management system, vast resources, and advanced technical knowledge demonstrates the commitment we have made to our clients. We have earned a reputation for being able to execute the most complex and logistically challenging projects. The relationships we have built over the past 25 years are the measure of our success and effectiveness. Paragon Landscape Construction is SDO and WBE certified in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Org Chart - Paragon Landscape Construction

Trent Schrock


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Trent Schrock

What company does Trent Schrock work for?
Trent Schrock works for Paragon Landscape Construction as Owner
What is Trent Schrock’s role in Paragon Landscape Construction?
Trent Schrock’s role in Paragon Landscape Construction is Owner
What is Trent Schrock’s email address?
Trent Schrock’s email address is t***@paragonlandscaping.com
What is Trent Schrock’s business email address?
Trent Schrock’s business email address is t***@paragonlandscaping.com
What is Trent Schrock’s direct phone number?
Trent Schrock’s direct phone number is (260) ***-****
What is Trent Schrock’s work phone number?
Trent Schrock’s headquarters phone number is (781) 834-1000
Which industry does Trent Schrock work in?
Trent Schrock works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Trent Schrock’s peers at other companies?
Trent Schrock’s peers at other companies are Jeromy LaRock, Darin Pendroy, Michael Nemati, Thom Sousa, Andres Ramos.
Who are Trent Schrock’s colleagues?
Some of Trent Schrock’s colleagues are Justin Cook, Skip Raymond, Sam Laperle, David McCarthy.
How can I contact Trent Schrock?
Trent Schrock contact details: Email address: t***@paragonlandscaping.com Phone number: (260) ***-****
Who is Trent Schrock?

Trent Schrock is an Owner at Paragon Landscape Construction based in Hanover, Massachusetts....

Where is Trent Schrock based?
Trent Schrock works for Paragon Landscape Construction, located at United States
Who is Paragon Landscape Construction’s Owner?
Paragon Landscape Construction's Owner is Trent Schrock