Travis McMaster

Negotiations Specialist at Eastpoint Recovery Group

Travis McMaster Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Travis McMaster Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Travis McMaster Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Travis McMaster

Travis McMaster is a Negotiations Specialist at Eastpoint Recovery Group based in Buffalo, New York. Previously, Travis was a Process Improvement Specialist at BPI Strategic and also held positions at Commercial Collection, Afton Animal Hospital. Travis received a Associate of Business Administration degree from Erie Community College.Explore more

Travis McMaster Current Workplace

Eastpoint Recovery Group

2019-present (6 years)

As a professional receivables and collections management firm, we offer consumers the ability to work with our team of experienced professionals. We collaborate with consumers to find a both timely and beneficial resolution to their outstanding obligation. Our group understands that unanticipated circumstances can occur in consumers' lives, leaving their finances in turmoil. We strive to be the company that offers consumers resolutions that allow them to pay off their debts amicable, helping them to alleviate the stress of outstanding debt and enabling them to once again get their credit moving in a positive direction. Our policies and procedures demand professional and considerate behavior. Content copyright . Eastpoint Recovery Group, Inc.

Travis McMaster Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Process Improvement Specialist

BPI Strategic



Afton Animal Hospital


Account Executive

Commercial Collection


Account Executive

NCO Financial Systems




Associate of Business Administration - Management and Operations, 3.500 Current Cumulative GPA

Erie Community College

Org Chart - Eastpoint Recovery Group


Negotiations Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Travis McMaster

What company does Travis McMaster work for?
Travis McMaster works for Eastpoint Recovery Group as Negotiations Specialist
What is Travis McMaster’s role in Eastpoint Recovery Group?
Travis McMaster’s role in Eastpoint Recovery Group is Negotiations Specialist
What is Travis McMaster’s direct phone number?
Travis McMaster’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Travis McMaster’s work phone number?
Travis McMaster’s headquarters phone number is (800) 459-2417
What is Travis McMaster’s latest job experience?
Travis McMaster’s latest job experience is Process Improvement Specialist at BPI Strategic
What is Travis McMaster’s latest education?
Travis McMaster’s latest education in Associate of Business Administration - Management and Operations, 3.500 Current Cumulative GPA at Erie Community College
Which industry does Travis McMaster work in?
Travis McMaster works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Travis McMaster’s peers at other companies?
Travis McMaster’s peers at other companies are Mark Barrientos, Camden Phillips, Tyiana Hillrussell, Anita Brown, Dylan McKee-Fritz.
Who are Travis McMaster’s colleagues?
Some of Travis McMaster’s colleagues are Christy Lynn, Kate Hall, Gina Gugliuzza, Robin Ailinger.
Who is Travis McMaster?

Travis McMaster is a Negotiations Specialist at Eastpoint Recovery Group based in Buffalo, New York. Previously, Travis was a Process Improvement Specialist at BPI Strategic and also held positions at Commercial Collection, Afton Animal Hospital. Travis received a Associate of Business Administration degree from Erie Community College.... Read More

Where is Travis McMaster based?
Travis McMaster works for Eastpoint Recovery Group, located at United States
See more information about Travis McMaster

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