
Tracy Moffatt

Supervisor, Import Operations at Emons Air & Sea

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(***) ***-****

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About Tracy Moffatt

Tracy Moffatt is a Supervisor, Import Operations at Emons Air & Sea based in Romulus, Michigan.Explore more

Tracy Moffatt Current Workplace

Emons Air & Sea

2021-present (4 years)

Established in 1990, Emons is a premier freight forwarder, operating as a transportation and logistics service provider in over 45 countries. Our recent merger with the Emons Group has helped us grow the network to over 100 offices worldwide, while combining 90 years of logistics expertise. Our vast network of partners granted us access to over 200 gateways globally. This global reach has allowed us to amass clientele from various industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, retail and manufacturing. We offer transportation services via air freight and ocean freight, along with tailor-made shipment solutions unique to a company's requirement. Our international staff of professional freight forwarders and customs brokers let us provide our clientele with a one-stop seamless experience for shipment and warehousing services.

Org Chart - Emons Air & Sea


Supervisor, Import Operations




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tracy Moffatt

What company does Tracy Moffatt work for?
Tracy Moffatt works for Emons Air & Sea as Supervisor, Import Operations
What is Tracy Moffatt’s role in Emons Air & Sea?
Tracy Moffatt’s role in Emons Air & Sea is Supervisor, Import Operations
What is Tracy Moffatt’s email address?
Tracy Moffatt’s email address is t***@emonsusa.com
What is Tracy Moffatt’s business email address?
Tracy Moffatt’s business email address is t***@emonsusa.com
What is Tracy Moffatt’s direct phone number?
Tracy Moffatt’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tracy Moffatt’s work phone number?
Tracy Moffatt’s headquarters phone number is (734) 641-7550
Which industry does Tracy Moffatt work in?
Tracy Moffatt works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Tracy Moffatt’s peers at other companies?
Tracy Moffatt’s peers at other companies are Jennie Pacleb, Bella Cenon, Mary Mascareno, Jim Yang, Callum Gibbs.
Who are Tracy Moffatt’s colleagues?
Some of Tracy Moffatt’s colleagues are Constance Palazzolo, Mike Pisha, Kenny Tong.
How can I contact Tracy Moffatt?
Tracy Moffatt contact details: Email address: t***@emonsusa.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tracy Moffatt?

Tracy Moffatt is a Supervisor, Import Operations at Emons Air & Sea based in Romulus, Michigan.... Read More

Where is Tracy Moffatt based?
Tracy Moffatt works for Emons Air & Sea, located at United States
See more information about Tracy Moffatt

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