Tracy Benfield

Project Manager, Liat & Project Manager & Representative at Liat

Tracy Benfield Email & Phone number


(704) ***-****

Tracy Benfield Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Tracy Benfield

Tracy Benfield is a Project Manager, Liat & Project Manager & Representative at Liat based in Troutman, North Carolina.

Tracy Benfield Current Workplace


2016-present (8 years)

LIAT (formerly Jasper Library Furniture) designs and manufactures products for libraries, computer labs, media centers, training facilities, collaborative spaces and more. Rebranded in 2013, the company offers a variety of traditional, transitional and contemporary product solutions. The entire LIAT team is committed to developing the best designs and the highest quality products in a fast paced and ever-evolving environment. LIAT is focused on our customers' and end-users' furniture needs by utilizing our creativity, insight and craftsmanship. Whether your space is conducive to working independently or in a group setting, LIAT can develop the optimum product solution. Our experienced and talented staff will assist with standard and custom product designs as well as specifications to ensure the success of your project.

Org Chart - Liat

Tracy Benfield

Project Manager, Liat & Project Man...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tracy Benfield

What company does Tracy Benfield work for?
Tracy Benfield works for Liat as Project Manager, Liat & Project Manager & Representative
What is Tracy Benfield’s role in Liat?
Tracy Benfield’s role in Liat is Project Manager, Liat & Project Manager & Representative
What is Tracy Benfield’s email address?
Tracy Benfield’s email address is t***@liatfurniture.com
What is Tracy Benfield’s business email address?
Tracy Benfield’s business email address is t***@liatfurniture.com
What is Tracy Benfield’s direct phone number?
Tracy Benfield’s direct phone number is (704) ***-****
What is Tracy Benfield’s work phone number?
Tracy Benfield’s headquarters phone number is (888) 440-8205
Which industry does Tracy Benfield work in?
Tracy Benfield works in the industry of Furniture, Manufacturing.
Who are Tracy Benfield’s colleagues?
Some of Tracy Benfield’s colleagues are Asq Patrick Akowuah - PCQI, Laura Rojo Velázquez, Daniel Montoya Escutia, España Luz Elena.
How can I contact Tracy Benfield?
Tracy Benfield contact details: Email address: t***@liatfurniture.com Phone number: (704) ***-****
Who is Tracy Benfield?

Tracy Benfield is a Project Manager, Liat & Project Manager & Representative at Liat based in Troutman, North Carolina....

Where is Tracy Benfield based?
Tracy Benfield works for Liat, located at United States