Tracy Benfield

Manager, Production at perma-tecGmbH

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About Tracy Benfield

Tracy Benfield is a Manager, Production at perma-tecGmbH based in Charlotte, North Carolina.Explore more

Tracy Benfield Current Workplace


2005-present (20 years)

We are a fully integrated company with 6 strategically located filling stations, an experienced technical and service support group, a networked customer service organization and a sales staff with extensive experience in the lubrication and bearing industries. The perma sales force is a hands on group that provides recommendations and installation solutions to some of the most difficult industrial applications in today's ever-changing industrial sector. Our company offers its customers and partners a wide variety of stock lubricants, as well as custom filling. Our networked order entry system, the large number of accessories and extensive lubricants in stock allow our customers the luxury of "Just-in-Time" ordering with the majority of our orders custom-filled and shipped within 48 hours. perma continues in its role as the global leader with its significant investment into developing new technology, expanding the capabilities of our product line, and providing the global market with aSee more

Org Chart - perma-tecGmbH


Manager, Production




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tracy Benfield

What company does Tracy Benfield work for?
Tracy Benfield works for perma-tecGmbH as Manager, Production
What is Tracy Benfield’s role in perma-tecGmbH?
Tracy Benfield’s role in perma-tecGmbH is Manager, Production
What is Tracy Benfield’s direct phone number?
Tracy Benfield’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tracy Benfield’s work phone number?
Tracy Benfield’s headquarters phone number is (704) 377-3100
Which industry does Tracy Benfield work in?
Tracy Benfield works in the industry of Sporting Goods, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Tracy Benfield’s peers at other companies?
Tracy Benfield’s peers at other companies are Fernando Romero, Ed Binion, Nathan Haigh, Jennifer Vig, Matt Knode.
Who are Tracy Benfield’s colleagues?
Some of Tracy Benfield’s colleagues are Johannes Kiesel, Patricia Cox, Don Russell, Steve Perma.
Who is Tracy Benfield?

Tracy Benfield is a Manager, Production at perma-tecGmbH based in Charlotte, North Carolina.... Read More

Where is Tracy Benfield based?
Tracy Benfield works for perma-tecGmbH, located at United States
See more information about Tracy Benfield

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