
Traci Parrish

Vice President, Business Development at G2 Reverse Logistics

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(***) ***-****

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Traci Parrish Work Experience Summary

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About Traci Parrish

Traci Parrish is a Vice President, Business Development at G2 Reverse Logistics based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Previously, Traci was an Education Product Development & Marketing Senior Analyst at Verizon.Explore more

Traci Parrish Current Workplace

G2 Reverse Logistics

2024-present (1 year)

G2RL specializes in AI-powered reverse logistics solutions designed to simplify returns management and maximize profit recovery. Their innovative approach transforms returns into profit opportunities while promoting sustainability within a circular economy. They cater to a wide array of clients including retailers, brands, OEMs, and third-party logistics providers, offering tools that streamline operations and enhance decision-making. Through intelligent automation and adaptive intelligence, G2RL helps businesses reclaim lost value and efficiently navigate their returns processes.

Traci Parrish Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Education Product Development & Marketing Senior Analyst



Org Chart - G2 Reverse Logistics


Vice President, Business Developmen...




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    Verizon Wireless Foundation | Traci Parrish Partnerships Department : Northside Independent School District - San Antonio, TX 78238 Partner Informa...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Traci Parrish

What company does Traci Parrish work for?
Traci Parrish works for G2 Reverse Logistics as Vice President, Business Development
What is Traci Parrish’s role in G2 Reverse Logistics?
Traci Parrish’s role in G2 Reverse Logistics is Vice President, Business Development
What is Traci Parrish’s email address?
Traci Parrish’s email address is t***@g2rl.com
What is Traci Parrish’s business email address?
Traci Parrish’s business email address is t***@g2rl.com
What is Traci Parrish’s direct phone number?
Traci Parrish’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Traci Parrish’s work phone number?
Traci Parrish’s headquarters phone number is (412) 677-4127
What is Traci Parrish’s latest job experience?
Traci Parrish’s latest job experience is Education Product Development & Marketing Senior Analyst at Verizon
Which industry does Traci Parrish work in?
Traci Parrish works in the industry of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Traci Parrish’s peers at other companies?
Traci Parrish’s peers at other companies are Kashif Janjua, Gerard Kubisiak, Todd Tatterson, Traci Nance, Dana Regan.
Who are Traci Parrish’s colleagues?
Some of Traci Parrish’s colleagues are Katy Kendeall, Traci Nance, Dawn Dagan, Kevin Varpness.
How can I contact Traci Parrish?
Traci Parrish contact details: Email address: t***@g2rl.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Traci Parrish?

Traci Parrish is a Vice President, Business Development at G2 Reverse Logistics based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Previously, Traci was an Education Product Development & Marketing Senior Analyst at Verizon.... Read More

Where is Traci Parrish based?
Traci Parrish works for G2 Reverse Logistics, located at United States
See more information about Traci Parrish

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