Tori Hemsath

Senior Graphic Designer at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands

Tori Hemsath Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Tori Hemsath Current Workplace

Tori Hemsath Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Tori Hemsath

Tori Hemsath is a Senior Graphic Designer at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands. Previously, Tori was a Teaching Assistant at Cincinnati Public Schools and also held positions at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands, Lehigh University, Cincinnati Financial, Natasha Slater, Bob Bertucci.

Tori Hemsath Current Workplace

Kirk's Family of Natural Brands

2023-present (2 years)

Kirk's Family of Natural Brands, founded over 180 years ago, is one of America's oldest soap makers, encompassing Kirks, The Grandpa Soap Company, and SoF Body Care, offering over 80 innovative body care products sourced from nature, free from harmful ingredients. With a commitment to simplicity and natural solutions, their premium coconut formulations cater to various cleaning needs and are Dermatologist tested. South of France Body Care, now SoF, stands out for its plant-powered ingredients, evocative fragrances, and highly moisturizing products, maintaining a tradition of creating inspiring fragrances since 1999. Kirks Family of Natural Brands is dedicated to sustainable and progressive practices and is deeply rooted in empowering women and advocating for diversity amongst its range of high-quality and environmentally-friendly products.

Tori Hemsath Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Graphic Designer

Kirk's Family of Natural Brands


Graphic Design Intern

Mountain Hawk Design and Print


Agency Photographer and Senior Designer, Fusion

Lehigh University


Apprentice Teacher

Lehigh University


Org Chart - Kirk's Family of Natural Brands

Tori Hemsath

Senior Graphic Designer

Recent News About Tori Hemsath

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tori Hemsath

What company does Tori Hemsath work for?
Tori Hemsath works for Kirk's Family of Natural Brands as Senior Graphic Designer
What is Tori Hemsath’s role in Kirk's Family of Natural Brands?
Tori Hemsath’s role in Kirk's Family of Natural Brands is Senior Graphic Designer
What is Tori Hemsath’s email address?
Tori Hemsath’s email address is t***@kirksnatural.com
What is Tori Hemsath’s business email address?
Tori Hemsath’s business email address is t***@kirksnatural.com
What is Tori Hemsath’s direct phone number?
Tori Hemsath’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tori Hemsath’s latest job experience?
Tori Hemsath’s latest job experience is Graphic Designer at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands
Which industry does Tori Hemsath work in?
Tori Hemsath works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are Tori Hemsath’s peers at other companies?
Tori Hemsath’s peers at other companies are Zan Yap, Mohammed Faiz, Abhishek Sikka, Shelby Smithson, Curtis Walker.
Who are Tori Hemsath’s colleagues?
Some of Tori Hemsath’s colleagues are Bob Hoegler, Maria Barrera, Caitlyn Hensley, Katherine Paul.
How can I contact Tori Hemsath?
Tori Hemsath contact details: Email address: t***@kirksnatural.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tori Hemsath?

Tori Hemsath is a Senior Graphic Designer at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands. Previously, Tori was a Teaching Assistant at Cincinnati Public Schools and also held positions at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands, Lehigh University, Cincinnati Financial, Natasha Slater, Bob Bertucci....