
Tony Vijay

Chief Operating Officer at Kaapi Machines Pvt

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(***) ***-****

Tony Vijay Current Workplace



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About Tony Vijay

Tony Vijay is the Chief Operating Officer at Kaapi Machines Pvt based in H.A.L Ii Stage, Karnataka.Explore more

Tony Vijay Current Workplace

Kaapi Machines Pvt

2021-present (4 years)

A simple idea-of making world-class coffee equipment accessible to anyone who desired to savor or serve the best possible brew-led to the birth of Kaapi Machines. Today Kaapi Machines India Pvt. Ltd. is a complete coffee solutions company and exclusive distributor of advanced coffee equipment's from some of the most iconic names from across the world. Over the last 10 years, we have had the fortune to partner with brands who have launched cutting-edge technology and innovation in the coffee equipment industry and helped us bring that technology to India. With our focus on quality and our steadfast service team, the biggest in India, we have earned the trust and partnership of many loyal customers whom we cherish till date. Our offerings include - Roasters, Grinders, Coffee Machines, Ice Blenders, Advance Coffee Technology, Cleaners, Service & Maintenance and also Coffee Training and Consulting. Brands we represent - Rancilio , WMF, Kalerm, Ripples, Bunn, Mahlkonig, Vitamix, Ditting, HeSee more

Org Chart - Kaapi Machines Pvt

Chief Operating Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tony Vijay

What company does Tony Vijay work for?
Tony Vijay works for Kaapi Machines Pvt as Chief Operating Officer
What is Tony Vijay’s role in Kaapi Machines Pvt?
Tony Vijay’s role in Kaapi Machines Pvt is Chief Operating Officer
What is Tony Vijay’s email address?
Tony Vijay’s email address is t***@kaapimachines.com
What is Tony Vijay’s business email address?
Tony Vijay’s business email address is t***@kaapimachines.com
What is Tony Vijay’s direct phone number?
Tony Vijay’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tony Vijay’s work phone number?
Tony Vijay’s headquarters phone number is +91 8041724151
Which industry does Tony Vijay work in?
Tony Vijay works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Tony Vijay’s peers at other companies?
Tony Vijay’s peers at other companies are Victor Larin, Christian Vives, Sarah Mikolajczyk, John DiMarco, Harold Fache.
Who are Tony Vijay’s colleagues?
Some of Tony Vijay’s colleagues are Soujanya Kanchan, Abhinav Mathur, Md Irfan, Greeshma Palani.
How can I contact Tony Vijay?
Tony Vijay contact details: Email address: t***@kaapimachines.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tony Vijay?

Tony Vijay is the Chief Operating Officer at Kaapi Machines Pvt based in H.A.L Ii Stage, Karnataka.... Read More

Where is Tony Vijay based?
Tony Vijay works for Kaapi Machines Pvt, located at India
Who is Kaapi Machines Pvt’s Chief Operating Officer?
Kaapi Machines Pvt's Chief Operating Officer is Tony Vijay
See more information about Tony Vijay

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