Tony Niemann

Director, Distribution Marketing at Samtec

Tony Niemann Email & Phone number


(812) ***-****

Tony Niemann Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Tony Niemann Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Tony Niemann

Tony Niemann is a Director, Distribution Marketing at Samtec based in New Albany, Indiana. Previously, Tony was a Product Marketing At Samtec at Samtec.

Tony Niemann Current Workplace


2024-present (6 months)

Founded in 1976, Samtec is a privately-held electronic cable and connector manufacturer. The company provides a broad line of electronic interconnects including high speed, micro, edge card, rugged power, cable to board products, strips, arrays, circuits, micro backplanes, and data rate cable assemblies. The company is headquartered in New Albany, Indiana.

Tony Niemann Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Product Marketing At Samtec



Marketing Associate



Org Chart - Samtec

Tony Niemann

Director, Distribution Marketing

Intent on Tony Niemann's Company


Interest in Tony Niemann's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tony Niemann

What company does Tony Niemann work for?
Tony Niemann works for Samtec as Director, Distribution Marketing
What is Tony Niemann’s role in Samtec?
Tony Niemann’s role in Samtec is Director, Distribution Marketing
What is Tony Niemann’s direct phone number?
Tony Niemann’s direct phone number is (812) ***-****
What is Tony Niemann’s work phone number?
Tony Niemann’s headquarters phone number is (812) 944-6733
What is Tony Niemann’s latest job experience?
Tony Niemann’s latest job experience is Product Marketing At Samtec at Samtec
Which industry does Tony Niemann work in?
Tony Niemann works in the industry of Wire & Cable, Manufacturing.
Who are Tony Niemann’s peers at other companies?
Tony Niemann’s peers at other companies are Chad Crouse, Brett Serxner.
Who are Tony Niemann’s colleagues?
Some of Tony Niemann’s colleagues are Joel Keinath, Kara Fraley, Robert Stodghill, Nick Abot.
Who is Tony Niemann?

Tony Niemann is a Director, Distribution Marketing at Samtec based in New Albany, Indiana. Previously, Tony was a Product Marketing At Samtec at Samtec....

Where is Tony Niemann based?
Tony Niemann works for Samtec, located at United States