
Tony Haresnape

General Manager at Catapult Software

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Tony Haresnape Current Workplace



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About Tony Haresnape

Tony Haresnape is a General Manager at Catapult Software based in Auckland, Auckland.Explore more

Tony Haresnape Current Workplace

Catapult Software

2008-present (17 years)

Catapult Software provides leading-edge technology for control systems (SCADA/HMI) and power industry communications (DNP3). Since 1991, we have enabled electricity, water, oil & gas utilities, industrial and manufacturing clients around the world to improve the management of essential services and equipment. Our solutions save time, money and lives. Today, Catapult Software is a key integration partner with General Electric. We provide extended functionality and enhanced solutions that optimise SCADA/HMI systems for GE Proficy FIX and GE Proficy CIMPLICITY. Now, with increasing demand for safe and reliable building power management in mission critical, high availability (100 percent up-time) environments, our solutions are enabling hospitals, data centres, airports and other organisations to reliably and securely operate their assets and operations, 24 hours a day.

Org Chart - Catapult Software

General Manager





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tony Haresnape

What company does Tony Haresnape work for?
Tony Haresnape works for Catapult Software as General Manager
What is Tony Haresnape’s role in Catapult Software?
Tony Haresnape’s role in Catapult Software is General Manager
What is Tony Haresnape’s email address?
Tony Haresnape’s email address is t***@catapultsoftware.com
What is Tony Haresnape’s business email address?
Tony Haresnape’s business email address is t***@catapultsoftware.com
What is Tony Haresnape’s direct phone number?
Tony Haresnape’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tony Haresnape’s work phone number?
Tony Haresnape’s headquarters phone number is +64 94899944
Which industry does Tony Haresnape work in?
Tony Haresnape works in the industry of Software General, Software.
Who are Tony Haresnape’s peers at other companies?
Tony Haresnape’s peers at other companies are Vitaly Samoylov, Dave Hueter, Herbert Kaneshiro, Peter Ingram, Eric Honey.
How can I contact Tony Haresnape?
Tony Haresnape contact details: Email address: t***@catapultsoftware.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tony Haresnape?

Tony Haresnape is a General Manager at Catapult Software based in Auckland, Auckland.... Read More

Where is Tony Haresnape based?
Tony Haresnape works for Catapult Software, located at New Zealand
See more information about Tony Haresnape

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