Tony Dahlin

Chief Information Security Officer at University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Tony Dahlin Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Tony Dahlin Work Experience Summary

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About Tony Dahlin

Tony Dahlin is a Chief Information Security Officer at University of Minnesota Twin Cities based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Tony received a Master of Business Administration degree from University of Oklahoma.Explore more

Tony Dahlin Current Workplace

A land-grant public research university stretching across Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN, the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is the flagship campus of the states five-campus system. U of M has more than 150 majors and minors housed in its 18 colleges, and the most popular areas of study are biological sciences, engineering, social sciences and business. The school has the only veterinary, pharmacy and dental colleges in the state, and 70% of new Minnesotan physicians are U of M graduates. The university offers a variety of merit-based scholarships, many based on academic and standardized testing achievement. Specific scholarships are also available for international freshmen and transfer students. Students can join more than 800 different groups and organizations, including the Alpine Ski Team, the Bass Fishing Team and 60 fraternities and sororities. The Minnesota Golden Gophers compete in the NCAAs Division I Big Ten Conference. U of M campus is home to several museums, includingSee more

Tony Dahlin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Al-Cast Mold




Master of Business Administration

University of Oklahoma

Org Chart - University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Chief Information Security Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tony Dahlin

What company does Tony Dahlin work for?
Tony Dahlin works for University of Minnesota Twin Cities as Chief Information Security Officer
What is Tony Dahlin’s role in University of Minnesota Twin Cities?
Tony Dahlin’s role in University of Minnesota Twin Cities is Chief Information Security Officer
What is Tony Dahlin’s email address?
Tony Dahlin’s email address is t***@umphysicians.umn.edu
What is Tony Dahlin’s business email address?
Tony Dahlin’s business email address is t***@umphysicians.umn.edu
What is Tony Dahlin’s direct phone number?
Tony Dahlin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tony Dahlin’s work phone number?
Tony Dahlin’s headquarters phone number is (612) 625-5000
What is Tony Dahlin’s latest education?
Tony Dahlin’s latest education in Master of Business Administration at University of Oklahoma
Which industry does Tony Dahlin work in?
Tony Dahlin works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Tony Dahlin’s peers at other companies?
Tony Dahlin’s peers at other companies are Robbie Corley, Cam Beasley, Gordie Mah, Robin Adams, Stephen Tycer.
Who are Tony Dahlin’s colleagues?
Some of Tony Dahlin’s colleagues are Walter Goodwin, Evelyn Firchow, Steven Pardoe, Joe Schmitt.
How can I contact Tony Dahlin?
Tony Dahlin contact details: Email address: t***@umphysicians.umn.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tony Dahlin?

Tony Dahlin is a Chief Information Security Officer at University of Minnesota Twin Cities based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Tony received a Master of Business Administration degree from University of Oklahoma.... Read More

Where is Tony Dahlin based?
Tony Dahlin works for University of Minnesota Twin Cities, located at United States
Who is University of Minnesota Twin Cities’s Chief Information Security Officer?
University of Minnesota Twin Cities's Chief Information Security Officer is Tony Dahlin
See more information about Tony Dahlin

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