Tom Tincha

Prepress Technician at The Butler Eagle

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Tom Tincha Work Experience Summary

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About Tom Tincha

Tom Tincha is a Prepress Technician at The Butler Eagle based in Butler, Pennsylvania. Previously, Tom was a Prepress Technician at CDI Printing Services and also held positions at New Image Press, Butler Color Press.Explore more

Tom Tincha Current Workplace

The Butler Eagle

2011-present (14 years)

Our goal is to provide the public with accurate, up to date information about the latest news in Butler and the surrounding areas. To accomplish this, we purchased a new Goss Uniliner Press in 2002. The Butler Eagle is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and excellence for you, our readers. The Butler Eagle is in a unique position in the American newspaper industry. It is family owned. There are close to 1,500 daily newspapers nationwide, with only about 200 that are family owned. But some family owned papers include those that are part of newspaper chains. Of those 200 family owned newspapers nationwide, about 45 are in Pennsylvania. That means nearly 25 percent of all independent family owned papers in America are in the Keystone State. The Wise family of Butler, which owns the Butler Eagle, got into the newspaper business in 1895 when Butler attorney Levi M. Wise became part owner of the Evans City Times. Its name was changed to the Butler County Observer. In 1See more

Tom Tincha Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Prepress Technician

CDI Printing Services


Prepress Technician

New Image Press


Prepress Technician

First Impression Printing



Eagle Graphics


Org Chart - The Butler Eagle


Prepress Technician




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tom Tincha

What company does Tom Tincha work for?
Tom Tincha works for The Butler Eagle as Prepress Technician
What is Tom Tincha’s role in The Butler Eagle?
Tom Tincha’s role in The Butler Eagle is Prepress Technician
What is Tom Tincha’s email address?
Tom Tincha’s email address is t***
What is Tom Tincha’s business email address?
Tom Tincha’s business email address is t***
What is Tom Tincha’s direct phone number?
Tom Tincha’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tom Tincha’s work phone number?
Tom Tincha’s headquarters phone number is (724) 282-8000
What is Tom Tincha’s latest job experience?
Tom Tincha’s latest job experience is Prepress Technician at CDI Printing Services
Which industry does Tom Tincha work in?
Tom Tincha works in the industry of Newspapers & News Services, Media & Internet.
Who are Tom Tincha’s peers at other companies?
Tom Tincha’s peers at other companies are James Buchholz, Paul Lachacz, Alfred Croteau, Dylan Doerksen, James Barton.
Who are Tom Tincha’s colleagues?
Some of Tom Tincha’s colleagues are Andrea Barbarino, Roger Barnhart, Jacob Adams, Jill Paschl.
How can I contact Tom Tincha?
Tom Tincha contact details: Email address: t*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tom Tincha?

Tom Tincha is a Prepress Technician at The Butler Eagle based in Butler, Pennsylvania. Previously, Tom was a Prepress Technician at CDI Printing Services and also held positions at New Image Press, Butler Color Press.... Read More

Where is Tom Tincha based?
Tom Tincha works for The Butler Eagle, located at United States
See more information about Tom Tincha

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