Tom Rahman

Fulfillment Specialist at Daily Harvest Express

Tom Rahman Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Tom Rahman Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Tom Rahman Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Last Update 12/17/2024 3:11 PM

About Tom Rahman

Tom Rahman is a Fulfillment Specialist at Daily Harvest Express based in Carlsbad, California. Previously, Tom was a Warehouse Specialist at Centerplate and also held positions at Levy Restaurants, Levi's Stadium, Nashville Sounds, Music City Center. Tom received a Design and Applied Arts degree from Mt. San Jacinto Community College District.

Tom Rahman Current Workplace

Daily Harvest Express

2018-present (6 years)

Daily Harvest Express is revolutionizing break rooms throughout San Diego by partnering with companies to offer more than just your average vending machine snacks. We deliver locally fresh produce gathered from San Diego farms and food artisans right to your door! Imagine the happiness when you provide your employees fresh picked, local, organically grown fruit in their break room! Our fresh delivery program is more than just a box of fruit. We partner with you to increase the overall health of your employees. Because we're a family owned, local business, we are able to offer our customers value, quality and personal attention like no other! Delivering the fruit to the break room is just the beginning with Daily Harvest. We offer a holistic approach to creating a healthy workplace that includes good nutrition, education, and support. People need convenient access to fresh, healthy foods, educational empowerment and quality services to help make it easier to eat healthy: ~ We offer an oSee more

Tom Rahman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Warehouse Specialist



Distribution Coordinator

Levy Restaurants


Manager, Purchasing



Supervisor, Warehouse

Levi's Stadium




Design and Applied Arts

Mt. San Jacinto Community College District

Org Chart - Daily Harvest Express

Tom Rahman

Fulfillment Specialist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tom Rahman

What company does Tom Rahman work for?
Tom Rahman works for Daily Harvest Express as Fulfillment Specialist
What is Tom Rahman’s role in Daily Harvest Express?
Tom Rahman’s role in Daily Harvest Express is Fulfillment Specialist
What is Tom Rahman’s email address?
Tom Rahman’s email address is t***@dailyharvestmarket.com
What is Tom Rahman’s business email address?
Tom Rahman’s business email address is t***@dailyharvestmarket.com
What is Tom Rahman’s direct phone number?
Tom Rahman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tom Rahman’s work phone number?
Tom Rahman’s headquarters phone number is (760) 560-3867
What is Tom Rahman’s latest job experience?
Tom Rahman’s latest job experience is Warehouse Specialist at Centerplate
What is Tom Rahman’s latest education?
Tom Rahman’s latest education in Design and Applied Arts at Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
Which industry does Tom Rahman work in?
Tom Rahman works in the industry of Grocery Retail, Retail.
Who are Tom Rahman’s peers at other companies?
Tom Rahman’s peers at other companies are Blake Chachko, Giselle Cole, Hannah Rollefson, Garrett King, Katerine Rodriguez.
How can I contact Tom Rahman?
Tom Rahman contact details: Email address: t***@dailyharvestmarket.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tom Rahman?

Tom Rahman is a Fulfillment Specialist at Daily Harvest Express based in Carlsbad, California. Previously, Tom was a Warehouse Specialist at Centerplate and also held positions at Levy Restaurants, Levi's Stadium, Nashville Sounds, Music City Center. Tom received a Design and Applied Arts degree from Mt. San Jacinto Community College District....

Where is Tom Rahman based?
Tom Rahman works for Daily Harvest Express, located at United States