
Tom Nielsen

President at Knud Nielsen

Tom Nielsen Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Tom Nielsen Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Tom Nielsen

Tom Nielsen is the President of Knud Nielsen Company, a leading provider of industrial and commercial products. Based in Evergreen, Alabama, United States, Tom is responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and day-to-day operations. With a strong background in the industry, Tom's expertise and leadership have been instrumental in driving Knud Nielsen Company's growth and success.

Tom Nielsen Current Workplace

Knud Nielsen

2016-present (9 years)

Knud Nielsen Company is now the largest company in the world devoted exclusively to dried flowers and materials. The company currently employs over 350 people and has over 550,000 square feet of production and warehouse space in Evergreen.

Org Chart - Knud Nielsen

Tom Nielsen


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    About Us

    Today, under the management of cousins Knud Nielsen III, chairman and CEO, and Tom Nielsen , president and COO, the Knud Nielsen Company proudly conti...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tom Nielsen

What company does Tom Nielsen work for?
Tom Nielsen works for Knud Nielsen as President
What is Tom Nielsen’s role in Knud Nielsen?
Tom Nielsen’s role in Knud Nielsen is President
What is Tom Nielsen’s email address?
Tom Nielsen’s email address is t***@knudnielsen.com
What is Tom Nielsen’s business email address?
Tom Nielsen’s business email address is t***@knudnielsen.com
What is Tom Nielsen’s direct phone number?
Tom Nielsen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tom Nielsen’s work phone number?
Tom Nielsen’s headquarters phone number is (251) 578-2900
Which industry does Tom Nielsen work in?
Tom Nielsen works in the industry of Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Glass & Gases, Manufacturing.
Who are Tom Nielsen’s peers at other companies?
Tom Nielsen’s peers at other companies are Sujanan Tp, Vicki Brin, Tom Dougherty, Timothy Justice, Matt Schwent.
Who are Tom Nielsen’s colleagues?
Some of Tom Nielsen’s colleagues are Meggan Nichols, Amber Edmond, Edward Robinson, Eileen Hillanbrand.
How can I contact Tom Nielsen?
Tom Nielsen contact details: Email address: t***@knudnielsen.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tom Nielsen?

Tom Nielsen is the President of Knud Nielsen Company, a leading provider of industrial and commercial products. Based in Evergreen, Alabama, United States, Tom is responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction and day-to-day operations. With a strong background in the industry, Tom's expertise and leadership have been instrumental in... driving Knud Nielsen Company's growth and success.

Where is Tom Nielsen based?
Tom Nielsen works for Knud Nielsen, located at United States
Who is Knud Nielsen’s President?
Knud Nielsen's President is Tom Nielsen