
Todd Porter

Director, Engineering at The Toro Company

Todd Porter Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(952) ***-****

Todd Porter Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Todd Porter Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Todd Porter

Todd Porter is a Director, Engineering at The Toro Company based in Bloomington, Minnesota. Previously, Todd was a Senior Manager, Engineering at The Toro Company and also held positions at Generac. Todd received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Wisconsin-Platteville.Explore more

Todd Porter Current Workplace

The Toro Company

2021-present (4 years)

The Toro Company designs, manufactures, and markets professional turf maintenance equipment and services, turf irrigation systems, landscaping equipment and lighting products, snow and ice management products, agricultural micro-irrigation systems, rental and specialty construction equipment, and residential yard and snow thrower products worldwide. Its Professional segment offers turf and landscape equipment products, such as sports fields and grounds maintenance equipment, golf course mowing and maintenance equipment, landscape contractor mowing equipment, landscape creation and renovation equipment, rental and construction equipment, and other maintenance equipment; snowplows, salt and sand spreaders, and related parts and accessories; sprinkler heads, electric and hydraulic valves, controllers, computer irrigation central control systems, and micro-irrigation drip tape and hose products, as well as professionally installed lighting products. This segment markets its products to proSee more

Todd Porter Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Engineering

The Toro Company


Chief Development Engineer

The Toro Company


Senior Principal Design Engineer

The Toro Company


Principal Design Engineer

The Toro Company




Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering

University of Wisconsin-Platteville

Org Chart - The Toro Company


Director, Engineering




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Todd Porter

What company does Todd Porter work for?
Todd Porter works for The Toro Company as Director, Engineering
What is Todd Porter’s role in The Toro Company?
Todd Porter’s role in The Toro Company is Director, Engineering
What is Todd Porter’s email address?
Todd Porter’s email address is t***@toro.com
What is Todd Porter’s business email address?
Todd Porter’s business email address is t***@toro.com
What is Todd Porter’s direct phone number?
Todd Porter’s direct phone number is (952) ***-****
What is Todd Porter’s work phone number?
Todd Porter’s headquarters phone number is (952) 888-8801
What is Todd Porter’s latest job experience?
Todd Porter’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Engineering at The Toro Company
What is Todd Porter’s latest education?
Todd Porter’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Which industry does Todd Porter work in?
Todd Porter works in the industry of Hand, Power and Lawn-care Tools, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Todd Porter’s peers at other companies?
Todd Porter’s peers at other companies are Gil Vilkomirski, Ryan Steiner, Ronnie Goldman, Douglas Allen, Evans Nguyen.
Who are Todd Porter’s colleagues?
Some of Todd Porter’s colleagues are Phat Nghiem, Noah Wahl, Noralba Ibarra, Bryan Lorenzen.
How can I contact Todd Porter?
Todd Porter contact details: Email address: t***@toro.com Phone number: (952) ***-****
Who is Todd Porter?

Todd Porter is a Director, Engineering at The Toro Company based in Bloomington, Minnesota. Previously, Todd was a Senior Manager, Engineering at The Toro Company and also held positions at Generac. Todd received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Wisconsin-Platteville.... Read More

Where is Todd Porter based?
Todd Porter works for The Toro Company, located at United States
See more information about Todd Porter

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