Thuy-Vi Nguyen

Assistant Principal at Haskell STEM Academy

Thuy-Vi Nguyen Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Thuy-Vi Nguyen Current Workplace



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Thuy-Vi Nguyen Work Experience Summary

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About Thuy-Vi Nguyen

Thuy-Vi Nguyen is an Assistant Principal at Haskell STEM Academy based in Cerritos, California. Previously, Thuy-Vi was a Dean at ABC Unified School District.

Thuy-Vi Nguyen Current Workplace

Haskell STEM Academy

2020-present (5 years)

The ABC Unified School District is known throughout the State of California as a leader in educational planning and innovation. The District has received county, state, and national recognition for outstanding programs in counseling, alternative education, staff development, and labor relations.

Thuy-Vi Nguyen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Org Chart - Haskell STEM Academy

Thuy-Vi Nguyen

Assistant Principal

Recent News About Thuy-Vi Nguyen

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thuy-Vi Nguyen

What company does Thuy-Vi Nguyen work for?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen works for Haskell STEM Academy as Assistant Principal
What is Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s role in Haskell STEM Academy?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s role in Haskell STEM Academy is Assistant Principal
What is Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s email address?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s email address is t***
What is Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s business email address?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s business email address is t***
What is Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s direct phone number?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s work phone number?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s headquarters phone number is (562) 229-7815
What is Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s latest job experience?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s latest job experience is Dean at ABC Unified School District
Which industry does Thuy-Vi Nguyen work in?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s peers at other companies?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s peers at other companies are Robert Bohan, Aj Albano, Megan Sauber, Lisa Ford, Stephanie Becker.
Who are Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s colleagues?
Some of Thuy-Vi Nguyen’s colleagues are Jose Padua, Elaine Lima, Debra Lisovsky, Marisa Katsuda.
How can I contact Thuy-Vi Nguyen?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen contact details: Email address: t*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Thuy-Vi Nguyen?

Thuy-Vi Nguyen is an Assistant Principal at Haskell STEM Academy based in Cerritos, California. Previously, Thuy-Vi was a Dean at ABC Unified School District....

Where is Thuy-Vi Nguyen based?
Thuy-Vi Nguyen works for Haskell STEM Academy, located at United States