
Thomas Mahand

Transportation Service Specialist at Ventura Foods

Thomas Mahand Email & Phone number


(205) ***-****

Thomas Mahand Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Thomas Mahand Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Thomas Mahand

Thomas Mahand is a Transportation Service Specialist at Ventura Foods based in Brea, California. Previously, Thomas was a Security Guard at Securitas USA. Thomas received a Diploma degree from Phillips High School and a DIPLOMA from Defense Acquisition University.

Thomas Mahand Current Workplace

Ventura Foods

2013-present (12 years)

Venutra Foods was founded in 1867. This company provides the manufacturing of salad oils, shortenings, margarine, butter and butter blends, pan coatings, liquid butter alternatives, mayonnaise, salad dressings, fruit glazes and more. Their headquarters are located in Brea, California.

Thomas Mahand Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Security Guard

Securitas USA





Phillips High School


Defense Acquisition University

Bachelor of Science - Business Management and Finance

University of Phoenix

Org Chart - Ventura Foods

Thomas Mahand

Transportation Service Specialist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thomas Mahand

What company does Thomas Mahand work for?
Thomas Mahand works for Ventura Foods as Transportation Service Specialist
What is Thomas Mahand’s role in Ventura Foods?
Thomas Mahand’s role in Ventura Foods is Transportation Service Specialist
What is Thomas Mahand’s email address?
Thomas Mahand’s email address is t***@venturafoods.com
What is Thomas Mahand’s business email address?
Thomas Mahand’s business email address is t***@venturafoods.com
What is Thomas Mahand’s direct phone number?
Thomas Mahand’s direct phone number is (205) ***-****
What is Thomas Mahand’s work phone number?
Thomas Mahand’s headquarters phone number is (714) 257-3700
What is Thomas Mahand’s latest job experience?
Thomas Mahand’s latest job experience is Security Guard at Securitas USA
What is Thomas Mahand’s latest education?
Thomas Mahand’s latest education in Diploma at Phillips High School
Which industry does Thomas Mahand work in?
Thomas Mahand works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Thomas Mahand’s colleagues?
Some of Thomas Mahand’s colleagues are Laura Laman, Gary Vidrine, Don Calzia, Javen Smith.
How can I contact Thomas Mahand?
Thomas Mahand contact details: Email address: t***@venturafoods.com Phone number: (205) ***-****
Who is Thomas Mahand?

Thomas Mahand is a Transportation Service Specialist at Ventura Foods based in Brea, California. Previously, Thomas was a Security Guard at Securitas USA. Thomas received a Diploma degree from Phillips High School and a DIPLOMA from Defense Acquisition University....

Where is Thomas Mahand based?
Thomas Mahand works for Ventura Foods, located at United States