
Thomas Lim

Assistant Sales Manager at International Bearings

Thomas Lim Email & Phone number

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+65 **** ****

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About Thomas Lim

Thomas Lim is an Assistant Sales Manager at International Bearings based in Charlotte, North Carolina.Explore more

Thomas Lim Current Workplace

International Bearings

2010-present (14 years)

We also offer new product series from STRARWILL which is established since 1992, name as Starwill Industrial Sdn. Bhd. The company specializes in the development, manufacturing and marketing of high quality industrial specialty chemicals for a broad range of dedicated markets. For the past 15 years, the company manufactured and supplied a wide range of industrial chemical products to a cross section of manufacturing, maintenance, marine and many related industries by using the brand name of STARWILL. These activities have catalyzed business growth not only in our domestic market, but internationally such as Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Sri Lanka, The Philippines etc. Today, more than 100 over industrial chemical products are in production such as aerosol type of chemicals including well known STARWILL SW-401 Anti Rust Spray, SW-99 Spray Grease and other industrial cleaner, grease, automotive lubricants for industrial solution. Driven by relentless pursuit and emphasis of product qualiSee more

Org Chart - International Bearings


Assistant Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thomas Lim

What company does Thomas Lim work for?
Thomas Lim works for International Bearings as Assistant Sales Manager
What is Thomas Lim’s role in International Bearings?
Thomas Lim’s role in International Bearings is Assistant Sales Manager
What is Thomas Lim’s email address?
Thomas Lim’s email address is t***@sg.intbearing.com
What is Thomas Lim’s business email address?
Thomas Lim’s business email address is t***@sg.intbearing.com
What is Thomas Lim’s direct phone number?
Thomas Lim’s direct phone number is +65 **** ****
What is Thomas Lim’s work phone number?
Thomas Lim’s headquarters phone number is (704) 588-0720
Which industry does Thomas Lim work in?
Thomas Lim works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Thomas Lim’s peers at other companies?
Thomas Lim’s peers at other companies are Judy Daniel, Kyle Scott, Angel Concepcion, Takeshi Díaz Ashimine, Alen Low.
Who are Thomas Lim’s colleagues?
Some of Thomas Lim’s colleagues are Justin Ng, Dian Wong, Agnes Sin Yi, Yap Ling.
How can I contact Thomas Lim?
Thomas Lim contact details: Email address: t***@sg.intbearing.com Phone number: +65 **** ****
Who is Thomas Lim?

Thomas Lim is an Assistant Sales Manager at International Bearings based in Charlotte, North Carolina.... Read More

Where is Thomas Lim based?
Thomas Lim works for International Bearings, located at United States
See more information about Thomas Lim

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