Thomas Feth

Labour Relations Officer & Special Projects & Legal Counsel at Health Sciences Association of Alberta

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About Thomas Feth

Thomas Feth is a Labour Relations Officer & Special Projects & Legal Counsel at Health Sciences Association of Alberta based in Calgary, Alberta. Previously, Thomas was an Articling Student and Associate at RMRF and also held positions at Edmonton Community Legal Centre, University of Alberta, Government of Alberta. Thomas received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Alberta and a Doctor of Law from University of Alberta, Faculty of Law.Explore more

Thomas Feth Current Workplace

HSAA was organized in 1971-72 by eleven paramedical technical associations/societies when it became evident that some form of unionization was imminent. The paramedicals were reluctant to become a minority group within one of the large, existing labour unions because they felt that with their particular training, certification and professional ethics they did not have a community of interest with other health-care workers. Therefore, they doubted that they could be well and truly represented by the unions which were then acting on behalf of other groups. For this reason, the paramedicals desired to establish an independent union which would be subject to their control and direction. To George C. Hall, who was instrumental in the formation of HSAA and its first executive director, goes much of the credit for the solid foundation of what is now an effective well-respected participant in Alberta's labour scene. In 1972, a group of paramedical technical employees at the Misericordia HospitSee more

Thomas Feth Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Labour Relations Officer



Articling Student and Associate



Social Benefits Advocate

Edmonton Community Legal Centre


Clinical Student, Civil Law

Edmonton Community Legal Centre




Bachelor of Arts - with Honours

University of Alberta

Doctor of Law

University of Alberta, Faculty of Law

Org Chart - Health Sciences Association of Alberta


Labour Relations Officer & Special ...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thomas Feth

What company does Thomas Feth work for?
Thomas Feth works for Health Sciences Association of Alberta as Labour Relations Officer & Special Projects & Legal Counsel
What is Thomas Feth’s role in Health Sciences Association of Alberta?
Thomas Feth’s role in Health Sciences Association of Alberta is Labour Relations Officer & Special Projects & Legal Counsel
What is Thomas Feth’s direct phone number?
Thomas Feth’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Thomas Feth’s work phone number?
Thomas Feth’s headquarters phone number is (403) 250-8576
What is Thomas Feth’s latest job experience?
Thomas Feth’s latest job experience is Labour Relations Officer at UFCW
What is Thomas Feth’s latest education?
Thomas Feth’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - with Honours at University of Alberta
Which industry does Thomas Feth work in?
Thomas Feth works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Thomas Feth’s colleagues?
Some of Thomas Feth’s colleagues are Kris Moskal, Christine Bourget, Lorri Renaud, Earl Victor.
Who is Thomas Feth?

Thomas Feth is a Labour Relations Officer & Special Projects & Legal Counsel at Health Sciences Association of Alberta based in Calgary, Alberta. Previously, Thomas was an Articling Student and Associate at RMRF and also held positions at Edmonton Community Legal Centre, University of Alberta, Government of Alberta. Thomas received a Bachelor of... Arts degree from University of Alberta and a Doctor of Law from University of Alberta, Faculty of Law.Read More

Where is Thomas Feth based?
Thomas Feth works for Health Sciences Association of Alberta, located at Canada
See more information about Thomas Feth

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