Thomas Cummings

General Manager at Tennessee Crown Distributing

Thomas Cummings Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Thomas Cummings Work Experience Summary

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About Thomas Cummings

Thomas Cummings is a General Manager at Tennessee Crown Distributing based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Previously, Thomas was a Sales Manager, Grocery & Bulk at D L Carter Transport.Explore more

Thomas Cummings Current Workplace

Tennessee Crown Distributing

2022-present (2 years)

We have become one of the top distributors of fine wines and spirits in the Tennessee area. Through the years we have steadily built upon our efforts to maintain an excellent relationship with both our suppliers and customers as we act as the liaison between the two. Tennessee Crown Distributing Co. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Georgia Crown Distributing Co., in McDonough, Georgia. We have continued to expand our portfolio and update technology to better serve our suppliers and continue to increase the level of service offered to our valued customers. We service the following counties in West Tennessee: Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crocket, Decatur, Dyer, Fayette, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lake, Lauderdale, Madison, McNairy, Obion, Shelby, Tipton and Weakley. Our mission is to provide quality service and quality products together with a well-organized management strategy as the key components for Tennessee Crown Distributing Co. to not only meet but exceed thSee more

Thomas Cummings Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales Manager

Tennessee Crown


Sales Manager, Grocery & Bulk

D L Carter Transport


Org Chart - Tennessee Crown Distributing

General Manager





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thomas Cummings

What company does Thomas Cummings work for?
Thomas Cummings works for Tennessee Crown Distributing as General Manager
What is Thomas Cummings’s role in Tennessee Crown Distributing?
Thomas Cummings’s role in Tennessee Crown Distributing is General Manager
What is Thomas Cummings’s email address?
Thomas Cummings’s email address is t***@tennesseecrown.com
What is Thomas Cummings’s business email address?
Thomas Cummings’s business email address is t***@tennesseecrown.com
What is Thomas Cummings’s direct phone number?
Thomas Cummings’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Thomas Cummings’s work phone number?
Thomas Cummings’s headquarters phone number is (423) 629-7121
What is Thomas Cummings’s latest job experience?
Thomas Cummings’s latest job experience is Sales Manager at Tennessee Crown
Which industry does Thomas Cummings work in?
Thomas Cummings works in the industry of Gas Stations, Convenience & Liquor Stores, Retail.
Who are Thomas Cummings’s peers at other companies?
Thomas Cummings’s peers at other companies are Jacqueline Curran, Richard England, Phoenecia Jerew, Michael Ornelas, Sean Large.
Who are Thomas Cummings’s colleagues?
Some of Thomas Cummings’s colleagues are Joe Fortner, Matt Portwood, Alex Mellinger, John Caradonna.
How can I contact Thomas Cummings?
Thomas Cummings contact details: Email address: t***@tennesseecrown.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Thomas Cummings?

Thomas Cummings is a General Manager at Tennessee Crown Distributing based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Previously, Thomas was a Sales Manager, Grocery & Bulk at D L Carter Transport.... Read More

Where is Thomas Cummings based?
Thomas Cummings works for Tennessee Crown Distributing, located at United States
See more information about Thomas Cummings

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