
Thobeka Nkosi

Manager, Business Development, Office & Project Manager at Lucha Lunako

Thobeka Nkosi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Thobeka Nkosi Current Workplace


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Thobeka Nkosi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Thobeka Nkosi

Thobeka Nkosi is a Manager, Business Development, Office & Project Manager at Lucha Lunako based in Johannesburg. Previously, Thobeka was an Operational Specialist at Cloudline and also held positions at Durban University of Technology, Gudunkomo Investments and Consulting, Wildlands Trust.Explore more

Thobeka Nkosi Current Workplace

Lucha Lunako

2024-present (2 months)

We work with funders, youth development organisations, business and government to ensure that these best practices are implemented so that impact is amplified and youth unemployability can be substantially and sustainably reduced. By identifying and engaging with how young people are affected by poverty and inequality at their root causes, Lucha Lunako provides its foundational development model, "I Have It, You Have It, Youth Have It" as a holistic approach to youth development. This foundation development model aims to assist young people to develop the basic mental, emotional, psycho-social and competency tools needed to transcend the often traumatic conditions of their upbringings, build solid foundations and move towards employability and earning sustainable livelihoods. Our focus is not necessarily to identify high performers or individuals with high potential, but rather to identify, test and refine the best programmes and methodologies, overlaid with behavioural theory and seqSee more

Thobeka Nkosi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Operational Specialist



Project Coordinator

Durban University of Technology


Data Capturer Administrator

Gudunkomo Investments and Consulting


Data Capturer Epwp Administrator

Wildlands Trust


Org Chart - Lucha Lunako


Manager, Business Development, Offi...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thobeka Nkosi

What company does Thobeka Nkosi work for?
Thobeka Nkosi works for Lucha Lunako as Manager, Business Development, Office & Project Manager
What is Thobeka Nkosi’s role in Lucha Lunako?
Thobeka Nkosi’s role in Lucha Lunako is Manager, Business Development, Office & Project Manager
What is Thobeka Nkosi’s email address?
Thobeka Nkosi’s email address is t***@luchalunako.com
What is Thobeka Nkosi’s business email address?
Thobeka Nkosi’s business email address is t***@luchalunako.com
What is Thobeka Nkosi’s direct phone number?
Thobeka Nkosi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Thobeka Nkosi’s work phone number?
Thobeka Nkosi’s headquarters phone number is +27 108221216
What is Thobeka Nkosi’s latest job experience?
Thobeka Nkosi’s latest job experience is Operational Specialist at Cloudline
Which industry does Thobeka Nkosi work in?
Thobeka Nkosi works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Thobeka Nkosi’s colleagues?
Some of Thobeka Nkosi’s colleagues are Nonsikelelo Mnguni, Nkululeko Phakathi, Zukiswa Madlebe, Mogomotsi Ntsimane.
How can I contact Thobeka Nkosi?
Thobeka Nkosi contact details: Email address: t***@luchalunako.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Thobeka Nkosi?

Thobeka Nkosi is a Manager, Business Development, Office & Project Manager at Lucha Lunako based in Johannesburg. Previously, Thobeka was an Operational Specialist at Cloudline and also held positions at Durban University of Technology, Gudunkomo Investments and Consulting, Wildlands Trust.... Read More

Where is Thobeka Nkosi based?
Thobeka Nkosi works for Lucha Lunako, located at South Africa
See more information about Thobeka Nkosi

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