2017-present (8 years)
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Thien Cao Work Experience Summary
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2About Thien Cao
Thien Cao is a Manager, Supply Chain at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands.
Thien Cao Current Workplace
Kirk's Family of Natural Brands
Kirk's Family of Natural Brands is one of America's oldest soap makers, established over 180 years ago, and includes brands such as Kirks, The Grandpa Soap Company, and SoF Body Care, offering a wide range of over 80 body care products. The company specializes in creating high-quality, natural personal care products that are free from harmful additives and suitable for sensitive skin. Their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices is reflected in their certifications, including WBENC and Leaping Bunny, and their focus on vegan, non-GMO ingredients. Targeted towards families seeking effective and gentle body care solutions, Kirk's combines tradition with innovation in their approach to personal care.
Thien Cao Work Experience & Education
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5Number of job titles
2Work Experience
Category Analyst
International Development LLC2016-2017
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Thien Cao is a Manager, Supply Chain at Kirk's Family of Natural Brands....