Theresa Treadwell

Corrections Officer at Michigan Lottery

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About Theresa Treadwell

Theresa Treadwell is a Corrections Officer at Michigan Lottery based in Lansing, Michigan.Explore more

Theresa Treadwell Current Workplace

Michigan Lottery

2000-present (25 years)

The Michigan Lottery was founded in 1972 to provide entertaining games of chance which deliver revenue to the state School Aid Fund. Today, the Michigan Lottery has a retail network of nearly 11,000 local businesses offering our portfolio of products. About 97 cents of every dollar spent on Lottery tickets benefits the state in the form of contributions to the state School Aid Fund, prizes to players and commissions to retailers and vendors. In 2016, the Lottery provided a record $888.9 million to help support Michigans public schools. Since it began in 1972, the Lottery has contributed more than $20.5 billion to support public education. Learn more about the Michigan Lottery at www.michiganlottery.com.

Org Chart - Michigan Lottery


Corrections Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Theresa Treadwell

What company does Theresa Treadwell work for?
Theresa Treadwell works for Michigan Lottery as Corrections Officer
What is Theresa Treadwell’s role in Michigan Lottery?
Theresa Treadwell’s role in Michigan Lottery is Corrections Officer
What is Theresa Treadwell’s direct phone number?
Theresa Treadwell’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Theresa Treadwell’s work phone number?
Theresa Treadwell’s headquarters phone number is (517) 335-5756
Which industry does Theresa Treadwell work in?
Theresa Treadwell works in the industry of Gambling & Gaming, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Theresa Treadwell’s peers at other companies?
Theresa Treadwell’s peers at other companies are Petra Lopez, William Cobb, Stephanie James.
Who are Theresa Treadwell’s colleagues?
Some of Theresa Treadwell’s colleagues are Monica Bradford, Brian Suter, Amaury Perez, Jeffrey Kirkendall.
Who is Theresa Treadwell?

Theresa Treadwell is a Corrections Officer at Michigan Lottery based in Lansing, Michigan.... Read More

Where is Theresa Treadwell based?
Theresa Treadwell works for Michigan Lottery, located at United States
See more information about Theresa Treadwell

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