Theresa Clay

Decorator at

Theresa Clay Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Theresa Clay Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Theresa Clay

Theresa Clay is a Decorator at TLC Design & Decor based in Eddy, Texas. Previously, Theresa was a Project Manager at AT&T and also held positions at MCI Enterprises. Theresa received a Liberal Arts and Sciences degree from El Camino College.

Theresa Clay Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Theresa Clay Consultancy


Business Owner

Exit Stage Right Project Management


Project Manager



Global Account Manager

MCI Enterprises




Liberal Arts and Sciences

El Camino College

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Theresa Clay

What company does Theresa Clay work for?
Theresa Clay works for as Decorator
What is Theresa Clay’s direct phone number?
Theresa Clay’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Theresa Clay’s latest job experience?
Theresa Clay’s latest job experience is Consultant at Theresa Clay Consultancy
What is Theresa Clay’s latest education?
Theresa Clay’s latest education in Liberal Arts and Sciences at El Camino College
Who are Theresa Clay’s peers at other companies?
Theresa Clay’s peers at other companies are Brooke McIntosh, Asha Mars, Nancy Valdillez, Laura Terifay, Abolfazl Asn.
Who are Theresa Clay’s colleagues?
Some of Theresa Clay’s colleagues are Tracey Campbell.
Who is Theresa Clay?

Theresa Clay is a Decorator at TLC Design & Decor based in Eddy, Texas. Previously, Theresa was a Project Manager at AT&T and also held positions at MCI Enterprises. Theresa received a Liberal Arts and Sciences degree from El Camino College....