Theresa Blanco

Partner at Shrager & Sachs

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Theresa Blanco Work Experience Summary

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About Theresa Blanco

Theresa Blanco is a Partner at Shrager & Sachs based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Previously, Theresa was an Attorney at Cohen Feeley Altemose & Rambo and also held positions at Eidelman Crossley.Explore more

Theresa Blanco Current Workplace

Shrager & Sachs

2014-present (11 years)

Since 1978, Shrager & Sachs has built a reputation for dedicated and effective advocacy throughout the Philadelphia region. We represent individuals who have been hurt by the actions of doctors who were incautious or negligent - as well as victims and families who have suffered preventable damages in a variety of circumstances. Our clients trust us to hold their best interests above every other priority, representing them with integrity, commitment, and compassion. This is a commitment we have made to those we serve, and it is one we intend to keep.

Theresa Blanco Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience


Eidelman Crossley


Org Chart - Shrager & Sachs






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Theresa Blanco

What company does Theresa Blanco work for?
Theresa Blanco works for Shrager & Sachs as Partner
What is Theresa Blanco’s role in Shrager & Sachs?
Theresa Blanco’s role in Shrager & Sachs is Partner
What is Theresa Blanco’s direct phone number?
Theresa Blanco’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Theresa Blanco’s work phone number?
Theresa Blanco’s headquarters phone number is (215) 568-7771
What is Theresa Blanco’s latest job experience?
Theresa Blanco’s latest job experience is Attorney at Cohen Feeley Altemose & Rambo
Which industry does Theresa Blanco work in?
Theresa Blanco works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Theresa Blanco’s peers at other companies?
Theresa Blanco’s peers at other companies are Samuel Schonhoffer, Andrew Cohen, Marc Mucciolo, Brian Rowlson, Stanley Grossman.
Who are Theresa Blanco’s colleagues?
Some of Theresa Blanco’s colleagues are Frances Titcombe, Robert Sachs, Wayne Spivey.
Who is Theresa Blanco?

Theresa Blanco is a Partner at Shrager & Sachs based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Previously, Theresa was an Attorney at Cohen Feeley Altemose & Rambo and also held positions at Eidelman Crossley.... Read More

Where is Theresa Blanco based?
Theresa Blanco works for Shrager & Sachs, located at United States
See more information about Theresa Blanco

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