2024-present (8 months)
Theresa Amadore Email & Phone number
Theresa Amadore Current Workplace
4100 Monument Corner Dr Ste 420, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030, United States
Phone Number
(703) 273-8898
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About Theresa Amadore
Theresa Amadore works at Cameron/McEvoy, which is a Law Firms & Legal Services company with an estimated 18 employees. Found email listings include: @cameronmcevoy.com.Explore more
Theresa Amadore Current Workplace
Cameron/McEvoy, PLLC is a business litigation boutique. We focus on navigating your case from pre-litigation positioning and negotiating through trial and, if necessary, appeal. Unlike many firms with "litigation departments" that rarely litigate anything in court, trial work is all we do. We have tried hundreds of cases, if not over a thousand, to judges, juries and arbitrators. Few other law firms have this type of focus, and even fewer can couple it with the degree of relevant experience brought to the table by Cameron/McEvoy. We are fortunate to have an extraordinary client base that gives us the opportunity to handle sophisticated litigation matters usually handled by larger firms. We do so in a collegial setting characterized by espirit de corps and a commitment to winning. Although our practice takes our attorneys around the United States as lead counsel, we also regularly serve as local and co-counsel to national and international law firms seeking representation and guidance wSee more
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