
Thadeu Melo

Engenheiro De Equipamentos - Mecânica at Petrobras

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(***) ***-****

Thadeu Melo Current Workplace





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Thadeu Melo Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Thadeu Melo

Thadeu Melo is a seasoned professional with relevant experiences in outstanding companies from the Oil & Gas, Technology, Consulting, and Mediatech industries. Based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, they currently serve as an Engenheiro De Equipamentos - Mecânica at Petrobras, where they are responsible for leveraging their expertise in numbers, finance, technologies, and people to deliver exceptional results.Prior to their role at Petrobras, Thadeu was a Data Consultant at Minsait, where they honed their skills in a fast-paced, multicultural environment. Their international experiences, including studying for a year at a Grande Ecole of engineering in France and living with an American family in San Diego, California, have equipped them with a unique perspective and the ability to thrive in diverse settings.Thadeu's vision is to contribute to a world with less economic disparities, and they are passionate about continuously improving their skills and knowledge to achieve this goal. With a bRead more

Thadeu Melo Current Workplace


2024-present (10 months)

Headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A., more commonly known as simply Petrobras, is a semi-public Brazilian multinational corporation in the petroleum industry.

Thadeu Melo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Data Consultant



Analista De Planejamento E Performance

Rede Globo


Risk Advisory



Business Consultant



Org Chart - Petrobras


Engenheiro De Equipamentos - Mecâni...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thadeu Melo

What company does Thadeu Melo work for?
Thadeu Melo works for Petrobras as Engenheiro De Equipamentos - Mecânica
What is Thadeu Melo’s role in Petrobras?
Thadeu Melo’s role in Petrobras is Engenheiro De Equipamentos - Mecânica
What is Thadeu Melo’s email address?
Thadeu Melo’s email address is t***@petrobras.com.br
What is Thadeu Melo’s business email address?
Thadeu Melo’s business email address is t***@petrobras.com.br
What is Thadeu Melo’s direct phone number?
Thadeu Melo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Thadeu Melo’s work phone number?
Thadeu Melo’s headquarters phone number is +55 2132244477
What is Thadeu Melo’s latest job experience?
Thadeu Melo’s latest job experience is Data Consultant at Minsait
Which industry does Thadeu Melo work in?
Thadeu Melo works in the industry of Oil & Gas Exploration & Services, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Thadeu Melo’s peers at other companies?
Thadeu Melo’s peers at other companies are Samuelson Nascimento, Diego De Sousa, Murillo Mendes, Samuel Ximenes, Diego Guedes.
Who are Thadeu Melo’s colleagues?
Some of Thadeu Melo’s colleagues are Leandro Galleti, Hélio Soibelman, Jackson Mason, Rodrigo Jesus.
How can I contact Thadeu Melo?
Thadeu Melo contact details: Email address: t***@petrobras.com.br Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Thadeu Melo?

Thadeu Melo is a seasoned professional with relevant experiences in outstanding companies from the Oil & Gas, Technology, Consulting, and Mediatech industries. Based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, they currently serve as an Engenheiro De Equipamentos - Mecânica at Petrobras, where they are responsible for leveraging their expertise in numbers, finance,... technologies, and people to deliver exceptional results.Prior to their role at Petrobras, Thadeu was a Data Consultant at Minsait, where they honed their skills in a fast-paced, multicultural environment. Their international experiences, including studying for a year at a Grande Ecole of engineering in France and living with an American family in San Diego, California, have equipped them with a unique perspective and the ability to thrive in diverse settings.Thadeu's vision is to contribute to a world with less economic disparities, and they are passionate about continuously improving their skills and knowledge to achieve this goal. With a background in Mechanical Engineering, they have demonstrated their adaptability and commitment to delivering the best results for the companies they serve.Read More

Where is Thadeu Melo based?
Thadeu Melo works for Petrobras, located at Brazil
See more information about Thadeu Melo

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