
Thabiso Mosea

Senior Mechanical Project Engineer & Branch Manager at Mekan Group

Thabiso Mosea Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Thabiso Mosea Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Thabiso Mosea Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Thabiso Mosea

Thabiso Mosea works as a Senior Mechanical Project Engineer & Branch Manager at Mekan Group, which is a Civil Engineering Construction company with an estimated 117 employees. They are part of Operations Department and their management level is Manager. Thabiso is currently based in South Africa. They used to work at Mekan Group and Mekan Group. Found email listings include: @mekanes.co.za.Explore more

Thabiso Mosea Current Workplace

Mekan Group

2021-present (4 years)

Myself and Sebenzile Bakubaku later founded Mekan Engineering Services in 2003. We were later joined by Vivian Shabangu and recently Thapi Thoka. We strive to transform communities, companies, and the industrys' landscape, adopting dual roles as both caring neighbors and innovative nation builders. Since its foundation, the Company has built a focused portfolio of high quality assets with an attractive growth profile. We have built a lasting legacy that today forms the foundation on which we continue to serve and grow. We continue to leverage our collective expertise and experience to provide services that are efficient and sustainable. We strive to provide services which are safer, more accessible and environmentally sustainable. Corporate governance is one of the fundamental aspects of our business model. Mekan Engineering Services is committed to best practice in corporate governance and upholds strong governance throughout every strand of the organisation. We believe united and decSee more

Thabiso Mosea Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Mechanical Technician and Assistant Branch Manager

Mekan Group


Mechanical Technician

Mekan Group


Examination Assistant

Department of Education Free State


Org Chart - Mekan Group


Senior Mechanical Project Engineer ...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Thabiso Mosea

What company does Thabiso Mosea work for?
Thabiso Mosea works for Mekan Group as Senior Mechanical Project Engineer & Branch Manager
What is Thabiso Mosea’s role in Mekan Group?
Thabiso Mosea’s role in Mekan Group is Senior Mechanical Project Engineer & Branch Manager
What is Thabiso Mosea’s email address?
Thabiso Mosea’s email address is t***@mekanes.co.za
What is Thabiso Mosea’s business email address?
Thabiso Mosea’s business email address is t***@mekanes.co.za
What is Thabiso Mosea’s direct phone number?
Thabiso Mosea’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Thabiso Mosea’s work phone number?
Thabiso Mosea’s headquarters phone number is +27 514484864
What is Thabiso Mosea’s latest job experience?
Thabiso Mosea’s latest job experience is Mechanical Technician and Assistant Branch Manager at Mekan Group
Which industry does Thabiso Mosea work in?
Thabiso Mosea works in the industry of Construction.
Who are Thabiso Mosea’s peers at other companies?
Thabiso Mosea’s peers at other companies are Enoch Amponsah, Junaid Javed, Michael Simmons, George Clement, Singson Nadar.
Who are Thabiso Mosea’s colleagues?
Some of Thabiso Mosea’s colleagues are Molefe Nkwe, Tsholanang Daniels, Gosego Segole, Ntobeko Hadebe.
How can I contact Thabiso Mosea?
Thabiso Mosea contact details: Email address: t***@mekanes.co.za Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Thabiso Mosea based?
Thabiso Mosea works for Mekan Group, located at South Africa
See more information about Thabiso Mosea

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