2014-present (11 years)
Terry Reutell Email & Phone number
Terry Reutell Current Workplace
2731 N Farmers Market Rd, Springfield, Illinois, 62707, United States
Phone Number
(217) 527-8324
Number of Employees
Terry Reutell Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
8Number of job titles
3About Terry Reutell
Terry Reutell is the Chief Financial Officer at Midwest Technical Institute based in Springfield, Illinois.
Previously, Terry was the Chief Financial Officer at Indiana Limestone and also held positions at For Bare Feet, EY.
Terry received a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Butler University.
Terry Reutell Current Workplace
Midwest Technical Institute
Midwest Technical Institute (MTI) is a private for-profit trade school in Springfield, Illinois. The college focuses on the mechanical trades, allied health, cosmetology, and commercial driving fields. Midwest Technical Institute has branch campuses in East Peoria, Illinois, Moline, Illinois, Springfield, Illinois, and Springfield, Missouri. Delta Technical College is a branch school of Midwest Technical Institute.
Terry Reutell Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Terry Reutell
Indiana Limestone Institue Membership Directory - Complete Member Listing
Terry Reutell - CFO P.O. Box 27 Oolitic, IN 47451 812-275-3341 812-275-3344 (fax) Terry Reutell - CFO P.O. Box 27 Oolitic, IN 47451 812-275-3...Indiana Limestone Institue Membership Directory - Fabricators
Terry Reutell - CFO P.O. Box 27 Oolitic, IN 47451 812-275-3341 812-275-3344 (fax)
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Terry Reutell
Terry Reutell is the Chief Financial Officer at Midwest Technical Institute based in Springfield, Illinois. Previously, Terry was the Chief Financial Officer at Indiana Limestone and also held positions at For Bare Feet, EY. Terry received a Bachelor of Accounting degree from Butler University....