Terry Binder

Sales Manager at Allen Woods and Associates

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Terry Binder Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Terry Binder Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Terry Binder Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Terry Binder

Terry Binder is the Sales Manager at Allen Woods and Associates, based in Arlington Heights, United States. Prior to this, he served as the National Sales Manager at MiniCo Insurance Agency. Binder holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. With extensive experience in the sales industry, he is responsible for leading and managing the sales team at Allen Woods and Associates.

Terry Binder Current Workplace

Allen Woods and Associates

1990-present (35 years)

Allen Woods & Associates INDUSTRIES is an industrial distributor and manufacturers representative specializing in industrial cleaning, printed circuit boards, railroad supply, and specialty inks. With over 50 years of experience, they provide end-to-end solutions with top-tier equipment and reliable logistics. Their customer-focused approach includes a knowledgeable sales team that designs custom solutions and responsive customer service for a seamless experience.

Terry Binder Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

National Sales Manager

MiniCo Insurance Agency


Project Manager

Chicago Etching Corporation


Manufacturing Engineer

Kalmus & Associates




Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Org Chart - Allen Woods and Associates

Terry Binder

Sales Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Terry Binder

What company does Terry Binder work for?
Terry Binder works for Allen Woods and Associates as Sales Manager
What is Terry Binder’s role in Allen Woods and Associates?
Terry Binder’s role in Allen Woods and Associates is Sales Manager
What is Terry Binder’s email address?
Terry Binder’s email address is t***@allenwoods.com
What is Terry Binder’s business email address?
Terry Binder’s business email address is t***@allenwoods.com
What is Terry Binder’s direct phone number?
Terry Binder’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Terry Binder’s work phone number?
Terry Binder’s headquarters phone number is (847) 806-4000
What is Terry Binder’s latest job experience?
Terry Binder’s latest job experience is National Sales Manager at MiniCo Insurance Agency
What is Terry Binder’s latest education?
Terry Binder’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Which industry does Terry Binder work in?
Terry Binder works in the industry of Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Glass & Gases, Manufacturing.
Who are Terry Binder’s peers at other companies?
Terry Binder’s peers at other companies are Cyril Jude, Deirdre Short, Amy Seng, Chris Madin, Ann Liang.
Who are Terry Binder’s colleagues?
Some of Terry Binder’s colleagues are Michael Daul, Teresa Izrael, Kym Baczek, Patrick Daul.
How can I contact Terry Binder?
Terry Binder contact details: Email address: t***@allenwoods.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Terry Binder?

Terry Binder is the Sales Manager at Allen Woods and Associates, based in Arlington Heights, United States. Prior to this, he served as the National Sales Manager at MiniCo Insurance Agency. Binder holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. With extensive experience in the sales industry, he is responsible for... leading and managing the sales team at Allen Woods and Associates.

Where is Terry Binder based?
Terry Binder works for Allen Woods and Associates, located at United States