1990-present (35 years)
Terry Binder
Sales Manager at Allen Woods and Associates
Terry Binder Email & Phone number
Terry Binder Current Workplace
2515 S Clearbrook Dr, Arlington Heights, Illinois, 60005, United States
(847) 806-4000
Number of Employees
Terry Binder Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
10Number of job titles
4About Terry Binder
Terry Binder is the Sales Manager at Allen Woods and Associates, based in Arlington Heights, United States. Prior to this, he served as the National Sales Manager at MiniCo Insurance Agency. Binder holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. With extensive experience in the sales industry, he is responsible for leading and managing the sales team at Allen Woods and Associates.
Terry Binder Current Workplace
Allen Woods and Associates
Allen Woods & Associates INDUSTRIES is an industrial distributor and manufacturers representative specializing in industrial cleaning, printed circuit boards, railroad supply, and specialty inks. With over 50 years of experience, they provide end-to-end solutions with top-tier equipment and reliable logistics. Their customer-focused approach includes a knowledgeable sales team that designs custom solutions and responsive customer service for a seamless experience.
Terry Binder Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Terry Binder
Contact - all4-PCB
Terry Binder Allen Woods & Associates, Inc. Phone Number: 1 (847) 806-4000DISTechnology
Terry Binder Phone: +1 (847) 806-4000 Fax: +1 (847) 806-4010 Mobile: +1 (847) 404-5780Contact page
Terry Binder Terry@AllenWoods.com
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Terry Binder
Terry Binder is the Sales Manager at Allen Woods and Associates, based in Arlington Heights, United States. Prior to this, he served as the National Sales Manager at MiniCo Insurance Agency. Binder holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. With extensive experience in the sales industry, he is responsible for...