
Terri Scott

Principal at Terri Scott Accounting

Terri Scott Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Terri Scott Current Workplace


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Terri Scott Work Experience Summary

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About Terri Scott

Terri Scott is a Principal at Terri Scott Accounting based in Tuggerah, New South Wales. Previously, Terri was an Associate at The Tax Institute.Explore more

Terri Scott Current Workplace

Terri Scott Accounting

2004-present (21 years)

Terri Scott Accounting is a sole practitioner CPA practice on the NSW Central Coast. We have a diverse client base and endeavour to provide a personal and caring experience for each of our clients. Our services include the preparation of financial statements, activity statements and income tax returns for individuals, small businesses, and self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF's). We assist our clients to meet their compliance obligations, and to manage them in order to reach their financial goals. Our specialty is providing independent SMSF audit services & technical advice to accountants, administrators, advisers and trustees of SMSF's. SMSF's are a popular choice for Australians wishing to take on the responsibility of managing their retirement savings. As the members and trustees of an SMSF, they must ensure their fund's compliance and meet their statutory obligations. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO), as regulator of SMSF's, requires them to appoint an approved SMSF auditorSee more

Terri Scott Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


The Tax Institute


Org Chart - Terri Scott Accounting






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Terri Scott

What company does Terri Scott work for?
Terri Scott works for Terri Scott Accounting as Principal
What is Terri Scott’s role in Terri Scott Accounting?
Terri Scott’s role in Terri Scott Accounting is Principal
What is Terri Scott’s email address?
Terri Scott’s email address is t***@terriscott.com.au
What is Terri Scott’s business email address?
Terri Scott’s business email address is t***@terriscott.com.au
What is Terri Scott’s direct phone number?
Terri Scott’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Terri Scott’s work phone number?
Terri Scott’s headquarters phone number is +61 243554812
What is Terri Scott’s latest job experience?
Terri Scott’s latest job experience is Associate at The Tax Institute
Which industry does Terri Scott work in?
Terri Scott works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Terri Scott’s peers at other companies?
Terri Scott’s peers at other companies are David Goodman, Bill Drummond, Sandra Shecter, Stuart Cullum, Karyn Meletis.
How can I contact Terri Scott?
Terri Scott contact details: Email address: t***@terriscott.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Terri Scott?

Terri Scott is a Principal at Terri Scott Accounting based in Tuggerah, New South Wales. Previously, Terri was an Associate at The Tax Institute.... Read More

Where is Terri Scott based?
Terri Scott works for Terri Scott Accounting, located at Australia
See more information about Terri Scott

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