
Teredith Sanders

General Manager at Merts

Teredith Sanders Email & Phone number

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(229) ***-****

Teredith Sanders Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Teredith Sanders Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Teredith Sanders

Teredith Sanders is a General Manager at Merts based in Leesburg, Georgia. Previously, Teredith was a Procurement Specialist at Angelini Pharma and also held positions at Merts.Explore more

Teredith Sanders Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

MERTS designs and builds custom silos to go with our batch plants or to be installed at your existing plant. As with all of our products, we use high-quality steel to ensure a long-lasting product that can withstand the pressures of concrete production. We manufacture single compartment, split compartment and mobile silos with a variety of filtration and aeration systems. We can design silos with custom options to fit your specific industry.

Teredith Sanders Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Procurement Specialist

Angelini Pharma


Project Manager



Org Chart - Merts

General Manager





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Teredith Sanders

What company does Teredith Sanders work for?
Teredith Sanders works for Merts as General Manager
What is Teredith Sanders’s role in Merts?
Teredith Sanders’s role in Merts is General Manager
What is Teredith Sanders’s email address?
Teredith Sanders’s email address is t***@merts.com
What is Teredith Sanders’s business email address?
Teredith Sanders’s business email address is t***@merts.com
What is Teredith Sanders’s direct phone number?
Teredith Sanders’s direct phone number is (229) ***-****
What is Teredith Sanders’s work phone number?
Teredith Sanders’s headquarters phone number is (229) 435-3315
What is Teredith Sanders’s latest job experience?
Teredith Sanders’s latest job experience is Procurement Specialist at Angelini Pharma
Which industry does Teredith Sanders work in?
Teredith Sanders works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Teredith Sanders’s peers at other companies?
Teredith Sanders’s peers at other companies are Jeffrey Fryman, Jason Trucano, Bonnie Jones, Ravi Immadi, Josh Ramsden.
Who are Teredith Sanders’s colleagues?
Some of Teredith Sanders’s colleagues are Jerry Payne, Patrice Bozeman, Randol Mertz, Jacob Sabala.
How can I contact Teredith Sanders?
Teredith Sanders contact details: Email address: t***@merts.com Phone number: (229) ***-****
Who is Teredith Sanders?

Teredith Sanders is a General Manager at Merts based in Leesburg, Georgia. Previously, Teredith was a Procurement Specialist at Angelini Pharma and also held positions at Merts.... Read More

Where is Teredith Sanders based?
Teredith Sanders works for Merts, located at United States
See more information about Teredith Sanders

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