Teja Naidu

Senior Recruiter at Erpmark

Teja Naidu Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Teja Naidu Current Workplace




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Teja Naidu Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Teja Naidu

Teja Naidu is a Senior Recruiter at Erpmark based in Princeton, New Jersey. Previously, Teja was a Senior Technical Recruiter at Vecode.Explore more

Teja Naidu Current Workplace


2021-present (4 years)

ERPMARK INC is committed to helping you realize the full potential of your business offering. We guarantee that you will be pleased with our work, and can only measure our success by fully meeting and exceeding your expectations. Get to know about the people in ERPMARK INC, who can provide consultation to help identify the most successful manner to implement or complement technology within your company. We believe in hitting the bull's eye. We do not believe in achieving anything less than 100%. We approach each project by detailed assessment, complete understanding, excellent planning backed by our years of experience. Our mode of response is based on the nature of your business need. We have a proven track record of delivering targeted output which is based on cost effective, budget friendly solutions. Our team of consultants has extensive hands-on experience in the latest techniques and technologies.

Teja Naidu Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Technical Recruiter



Senior Technical Recruiter



Org Chart - Erpmark


Senior Recruiter




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Teja Naidu

What company does Teja Naidu work for?
Teja Naidu works for Erpmark as Senior Recruiter
What is Teja Naidu’s role in Erpmark?
Teja Naidu’s role in Erpmark is Senior Recruiter
What is Teja Naidu’s direct phone number?
Teja Naidu’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Teja Naidu’s work phone number?
Teja Naidu’s headquarters phone number is (732) 579-3636
What is Teja Naidu’s latest job experience?
Teja Naidu’s latest job experience is Senior Technical Recruiter at Vecode
Which industry does Teja Naidu work in?
Teja Naidu works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Teja Naidu’s peers at other companies?
Teja Naidu’s peers at other companies are Rose Mattei, Vijay Pachiappan, Dan Winkler, Manoj Karra, Shoaib Khan.
Who are Teja Naidu’s colleagues?
Some of Teja Naidu’s colleagues are Sasi Kumar, Senthur Kunchithapathem, Nigesh Thangam, Santhosh Koshy.
Who is Teja Naidu?

Teja Naidu is a Senior Recruiter at Erpmark based in Princeton, New Jersey. Previously, Teja was a Senior Technical Recruiter at Vecode.... Read More

Where is Teja Naidu based?
Teja Naidu works for Erpmark, located at United States
See more information about Teja Naidu

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