Teiyanknei Chee

Enrollment Specialist at Stewards Individual Placement Program

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(***) ***-****

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Teiyanknei Chee Work Experience Summary

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About Teiyanknei Chee

Teiyanknei Chee is an Enrollment Specialist at Stewards Individual Placement Program based in Beckley, West Virginia. Previously, Teiyanknei was a Management Roles at Western National Parks Association and also held positions at Conservation Legacy, The Heritage Square Foundation.Explore more

Teiyanknei Chee Current Workplace

The Stewards Individual Placement Program places individual placements across the nation in projects that build capacity, improve access to natural resources, develop and support innovative solutions, develop opportunities for service and economic development, and empower leaders. STEWARDS PLACES NEARLY 600 MEMBERS EACH YEAR, SERVING LOCAL COMMUNITIES ACROSS THE COUNTRY The Stewards program is supported by two main National Service programs: AmeriCorps VISTA and AmeriCorps State and National. Stewards Members work with multiple partners in order to create highly impactful national service projects that fulfill our mission. Stewards AmeriCorps VISTA Members serve with nonprofits, local governments and federal agencies. Stewards AmeriCorps VISTA Members commit to serving for one yearearning a living allowance of 110% of the poverty wages in the community they serve. These dedicated individuals focus on nonprofit leadership development by building capacity through grant writing and partneSee more

Teiyanknei Chee Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Management Roles

Western National Parks Association


Management Roles

The Heritage Square Foundation


Enrollment Specialist

Conservation Legacy


Org Chart - Stewards Individual Placement Program


Enrollment Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Teiyanknei Chee

What company does Teiyanknei Chee work for?
Teiyanknei Chee works for Stewards Individual Placement Program as Enrollment Specialist
What is Teiyanknei Chee’s role in Stewards Individual Placement Program?
Teiyanknei Chee’s role in Stewards Individual Placement Program is Enrollment Specialist
What is Teiyanknei Chee’s email address?
Teiyanknei Chee’s email address is t***@conservationlegacy.org
What is Teiyanknei Chee’s business email address?
Teiyanknei Chee’s business email address is t***@conservationlegacy.org
What is Teiyanknei Chee’s direct phone number?
Teiyanknei Chee’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Teiyanknei Chee’s work phone number?
Teiyanknei Chee’s headquarters phone number is (304) 202-4152
What is Teiyanknei Chee’s latest job experience?
Teiyanknei Chee’s latest job experience is Management Roles at Western National Parks Association
Which industry does Teiyanknei Chee work in?
Teiyanknei Chee works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Teiyanknei Chee’s peers at other companies?
Teiyanknei Chee’s peers at other companies are Edlyne Juwara, Ryan Ramnarine, Joel Mejia, Curtis Michaeline, Rachel Robinson.
Who are Teiyanknei Chee’s colleagues?
Some of Teiyanknei Chee’s colleagues are Emma Savely, Autumn Lilly, Shelby Street, Sam Rush.
How can I contact Teiyanknei Chee?
Teiyanknei Chee contact details: Email address: t***@conservationlegacy.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Teiyanknei Chee?

Teiyanknei Chee is an Enrollment Specialist at Stewards Individual Placement Program based in Beckley, West Virginia. Previously, Teiyanknei was a Management Roles at Western National Parks Association and also held positions at Conservation Legacy, The Heritage Square Foundation.... Read More

Where is Teiyanknei Chee based?
Teiyanknei Chee works for Stewards Individual Placement Program, located at United States
See more information about Teiyanknei Chee

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