
Tehzeeb Muhammad

Article Trainee at Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam

Tehzeeb Muhammad Email & Phone number

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+91 ** **** ****

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About Tehzeeb Muhammad

Tehzeeb Muhammad is an Article Trainee at Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam based in Banjara Hills, Telangana.Explore more

Tehzeeb Muhammad Current Workplace

Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam

2023-present (2 years)

Established in 1978, PKF Sridhar & Santhanam LLP firm of Chartered Accountants, carry the legacy of vast experience and varied exposure in the industry. Since its inception in Chennai, the firm's reach has transcended limits and barriers both functionally and geographically; with branch offices spread across the country. The wider reach on the global platform takes forward the legacy of the profession on a new plane- which is well-exposed in the global market; bringing in a flood of new thought and application to thrive in a highly competitive scenario. Add this to our creditable records streamlined with up-to-date practicing tools and expertise; the end-product is value-added services to add value to our client's business. Firmed in tradition; Partners to Technology We are rooted in the values of the profession. Amassed from years of experience, knowledge and industry credited with quality, is a stamp on what we deliver. Evolving with the growing technology, our methodologies are custSee more

Org Chart - Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam


Article Trainee




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tehzeeb Muhammad

What company does Tehzeeb Muhammad work for?
Tehzeeb Muhammad works for Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam as Article Trainee
What is Tehzeeb Muhammad’s role in Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam?
Tehzeeb Muhammad’s role in Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam is Article Trainee
What is Tehzeeb Muhammad’s email address?
Tehzeeb Muhammad’s email address is t***@pkfindia.in
What is Tehzeeb Muhammad’s business email address?
Tehzeeb Muhammad’s business email address is t***@pkfindia.in
What is Tehzeeb Muhammad’s direct phone number?
Tehzeeb Muhammad’s direct phone number is +91 ** **** ****
What is Tehzeeb Muhammad’s work phone number?
Tehzeeb Muhammad’s headquarters phone number is +91 4023319743
Which industry does Tehzeeb Muhammad work in?
Tehzeeb Muhammad works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Tehzeeb Muhammad’s peers at other companies?
Tehzeeb Muhammad’s peers at other companies are Ruchit Shetty, Arsh Gupta, Hrushikesh Hemadri, Akram Siddique, Sayali Borse.
Who are Tehzeeb Muhammad’s colleagues?
Some of Tehzeeb Muhammad’s colleagues are Geeta Selvam Arunthuthiyar, Dhairya Bhatt, Sesha Sainath V N, Naveen Kumar.
How can I contact Tehzeeb Muhammad?
Tehzeeb Muhammad contact details: Email address: t***@pkfindia.in Phone number: +91 ** **** ****
Who is Tehzeeb Muhammad?

Tehzeeb Muhammad is an Article Trainee at Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam based in Banjara Hills, Telangana.... Read More

Where is Tehzeeb Muhammad based?
Tehzeeb Muhammad works for Pkf Sridhar & Santhanam, located at India
See more information about Tehzeeb Muhammad

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