
Taylor Vandenbroek

Promotions Coordinator at Toledo Mud Hens

Taylor Vandenbroek Email & Phone number


(419) ***-****

Taylor Vandenbroek Current Workplace


Number of Employees

Taylor Vandenbroek Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Taylor Vandenbroek

Taylor Vandenbroek is a Promotions Coordinator at Toledo Mud Hens based in Toledo, Ohio. Previously, Taylor was a Promotions Coordinator at The Toledo Walleye and also held positions at Toledo Mud Hens, Miami University.

Taylor Vandenbroek Current Workplace

Toledo Mud Hens

2024-present (1 year)

Toledo Mud Hens is a company that operates in the Restaurants industry. It employs 20to49 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Toledo, Ohio.

Taylor Vandenbroek Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Promotions Coordinator

The Toledo Walleye


Event & Fan Entertainment Coordinator

Toledo Mud Hens


Event & Fan Entertainment Coordinator

The Toledo Walleye


Promotions Intern

Toledo Mud Hens


Org Chart - Toledo Mud Hens

Taylor Vandenbroek

Promotions Coordinator

Intent on Taylor Vandenbroek's Company


Interest in Taylor Vandenbroek's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Taylor Vandenbroek

What company does Taylor Vandenbroek work for?
Taylor Vandenbroek works for Toledo Mud Hens as Promotions Coordinator
What is Taylor Vandenbroek’s role in Toledo Mud Hens?
Taylor Vandenbroek’s role in Toledo Mud Hens is Promotions Coordinator
What is Taylor Vandenbroek’s email address?
Taylor Vandenbroek’s email address is t***@mudhens.com
What is Taylor Vandenbroek’s business email address?
Taylor Vandenbroek’s business email address is t***@mudhens.com
What is Taylor Vandenbroek’s direct phone number?
Taylor Vandenbroek’s direct phone number is (419) ***-****
What is Taylor Vandenbroek’s latest job experience?
Taylor Vandenbroek’s latest job experience is Promotions Coordinator at The Toledo Walleye
Which industry does Taylor Vandenbroek work in?
Taylor Vandenbroek works in the industry of Restaurants, Hospitality.
Who are Taylor Vandenbroek’s peers at other companies?
Taylor Vandenbroek’s peers at other companies are Chiyo Shimizu, Shaquille Brown, Cindy Widders, Michael Cordiano, Cassandra Prins.
Who are Taylor Vandenbroek’s colleagues?
Some of Taylor Vandenbroek’s colleagues are Sean Downs, Logan Strack, Angelina Cardella, Rebekah McCoy.
How can I contact Taylor Vandenbroek?
Taylor Vandenbroek contact details: Email address: t***@mudhens.com Phone number: (419) ***-****
Who is Taylor Vandenbroek?

Taylor Vandenbroek is a Promotions Coordinator at Toledo Mud Hens based in Toledo, Ohio. Previously, Taylor was a Promotions Coordinator at The Toledo Walleye and also held positions at Toledo Mud Hens, Miami University....

Where is Taylor Vandenbroek based?
Taylor Vandenbroek works for Toledo Mud Hens, located at United States