
Tara Murray

Associate Director at Perigon Group

Tara Murray Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

+61 * **** ****

Tara Murray Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Tara Murray Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Tara Murray

Tara Murray is an Associate Director at Perigon Group based in Sydney, New South Wales. Previously, Tara was a Senior Manager at Perigon Group and also held positions at Robert Half, Capita Resourcing.Explore more

Tara Murray Current Workplace

Perigon Group

2021-present (4 years)

Perigon Group is a specialized recruitment firm based in Sydney and Brisbane, focusing on sectors including finance, accounting, corporate services, and technology. Committed to delivering excellence, they provide both permanent and temporary staffing solutions while engaging in executive search services. The firm strives to attract top talent to assist blue-chip clients in achieving their potential, boasting high staff retention rates through a supportive and professional environment. Their services include personalized recruitment processes and resources for both employers and job seekers.

Tara Murray Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager

Perigon Group


Principal Consultant

Perigon Group


Senior Consultant

Robert Half


Divisional Manager

Capita Resourcing


Org Chart - Perigon Group


Associate Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tara Murray

What company does Tara Murray work for?
Tara Murray works for Perigon Group as Associate Director
What is Tara Murray’s role in Perigon Group?
Tara Murray’s role in Perigon Group is Associate Director
What is Tara Murray’s email address?
Tara Murray’s email address is t***@perigongroup.com.au
What is Tara Murray’s business email address?
Tara Murray’s business email address is t***@perigongroup.com.au
What is Tara Murray’s direct phone number?
Tara Murray’s direct phone number is +61 * **** ****
What is Tara Murray’s work phone number?
Tara Murray’s headquarters phone number is +61 297755900
What is Tara Murray’s latest job experience?
Tara Murray’s latest job experience is Senior Manager at Perigon Group
Which industry does Tara Murray work in?
Tara Murray works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Tara Murray’s peers at other companies?
Tara Murray’s peers at other companies are Bharani Ravichandran, Vicky Kelly, Atul Aggarwal, Tania Mustafa, Lilly Tyler.
Who are Tara Murray’s colleagues?
Some of Tara Murray’s colleagues are Spencer Bryson, Sara Vanderheld, Nigel Barcham, Ben Wahl.
How can I contact Tara Murray?
Tara Murray contact details: Email address: t***@perigongroup.com.au Phone number: +61 * **** ****
Who is Tara Murray?

Tara Murray is an Associate Director at Perigon Group based in Sydney, New South Wales. Previously, Tara was a Senior Manager at Perigon Group and also held positions at Robert Half, Capita Resourcing.... Read More

Where is Tara Murray based?
Tara Murray works for Perigon Group, located at Australia
See more information about Tara Murray

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