
Tanha Basile

Owner at Winni and Mini Photography

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About Tanha Basile

Tanha Basile is an Owner at Winni and Mini Photography based in Upper Coomera, Queensland.Explore more

Tanha Basile Current Workplace

Winni and Mini Photography

2013-present (12 years)

Winni and Mini Photography is a multi-award winning boutique photography studio based at Hope Island on the Gold Coast. Tanha Basile's talent and passion is evident in every photograph she takes, and she prides herself on capturing memories and moments families will treasure for many years to come. A mother of two herself, Tanha well understands how new mums and dads are feeling, and can expertly and compassionately guide you and your bundle of joy through your newborn session. She's also something of a baby whisperer, seemingly able to settle even the grizzliest babies to capture that picture-perfect moment. The Winni and Mini studio is fully equipped with a wide range of a props, and Tanha's creative eye brings all the elements together to capture a moment of pure magic. Please feel free to browse the images on this site. All props used belong to the studio, and are available for use in your newborn baby photos too. Winni and Mini Photography isn't just about newborns though; we alsoSee more

Org Chart - Winni and Mini Photography






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tanha Basile

What company does Tanha Basile work for?
Tanha Basile works for Winni and Mini Photography as Owner
What is Tanha Basile’s role in Winni and Mini Photography?
Tanha Basile’s role in Winni and Mini Photography is Owner
What is Tanha Basile’s email address?
Tanha Basile’s email address is t***@winnimini.com.au
What is Tanha Basile’s business email address?
Tanha Basile’s business email address is t***@winnimini.com.au
What is Tanha Basile’s direct phone number?
Tanha Basile’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tanha Basile’s work phone number?
Tanha Basile’s headquarters phone number is +61 438788279
Which industry does Tanha Basile work in?
Tanha Basile works in the industry of Photography Studio, Consumer Services.
Who are Tanha Basile’s peers at other companies?
Tanha Basile’s peers at other companies are Nicole Yankelovich, Dr Goff, Aaron Goodwin, Nigel Roper, Lynn Parks.
How can I contact Tanha Basile?
Tanha Basile contact details: Email address: t***@winnimini.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tanha Basile?

Tanha Basile is an Owner at Winni and Mini Photography based in Upper Coomera, Queensland.... Read More

Where is Tanha Basile based?
Tanha Basile works for Winni and Mini Photography, located at Australia
Who is Winni and Mini Photography’s Owner?
Winni and Mini Photography's Owner is Tanha Basile
See more information about Tanha Basile

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