Talia Shide

Private Practice at The Sole Proprietor

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(***) ***-****

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Talia Shide Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Talia Shide

Talia Shide is a Private Practice at The Sole Proprietor based in Worcester, Massachusetts. Previously, Talia was a Child and Family Therapist at Children's Home Society of Washington and also held positions at Autism Service Dogs, Sherwood School District, City Kids Child Development Center.Explore more

Talia Shide Current Workplace

The Sole Proprietor

2018-present (6 years)

The Sole Proprietor is a Worcester dining institution, a gathering place for everyone from local politicians to business owners, downtown workers and students from nearby colleges, neighboring patrons and diners who come in from Worcester's suburbs. They come for the award-winning food and the inviting, friendly bar, but they also come for special occasions and private functions. The Sole regularly garners four-star reviews and frequent awards, but it's not just the food that's special. The restaurant was designed to be elegant, yet intimate. Different areas of the restaurant can be divided into function rooms, so you can host your event privately and comfortably, whether you're hosting a party of 10 or a group of 65. Whether you're planning a bridal shower, a rehearsal dinner, a graduation or birthday party, a reunion with classmates or old friends, or a corporate event, The Sole is the ideal venue. So why not share the freshest seafood you can find with your family, friends or busineSee more

Talia Shide Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Child and Family Therapist

Children's Home Society of Washington


MFT Intern

Sherwood School District


Graduate Assistant

NW Center for Play Therapy Studies


Early Childhood Educator

City Kids Child Development Center


Org Chart - The Sole Proprietor


Private Practice




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Talia Shide

What company does Talia Shide work for?
Talia Shide works for The Sole Proprietor as Private Practice
What is Talia Shide’s role in The Sole Proprietor?
Talia Shide’s role in The Sole Proprietor is Private Practice
What is Talia Shide’s email address?
Talia Shide’s email address is t***@ubs.com
What is Talia Shide’s business email address?
Talia Shide’s business email address is t***@ubs.com
What is Talia Shide’s direct phone number?
Talia Shide’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Talia Shide’s work phone number?
Talia Shide’s headquarters phone number is (508) 798-3474
What is Talia Shide’s latest job experience?
Talia Shide’s latest job experience is Child and Family Therapist at Children's Home Society of Washington
Which industry does Talia Shide work in?
Talia Shide works in the industry of Restaurants, Hospitality.
Who are Talia Shide’s peers at other companies?
Talia Shide’s peers at other companies are Grace Hamilton, Ashleigh Johnson, Monu Dhar, Celia Ryan, Louis Gagnon.
Who are Talia Shide’s colleagues?
Some of Talia Shide’s colleagues are Andrew Pietanza, Gerald Rabinowitz, Ajmal Ahmed, Mike Schaufler.
How can I contact Talia Shide?
Talia Shide contact details: Email address: t***@ubs.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Talia Shide?

Talia Shide is a Private Practice at The Sole Proprietor based in Worcester, Massachusetts. Previously, Talia was a Child and Family Therapist at Children's Home Society of Washington and also held positions at Autism Service Dogs, Sherwood School District, City Kids Child Development Center.... Read More

Where is Talia Shide based?
Talia Shide works for The Sole Proprietor, located at United States
See more information about Talia Shide

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