
Tal Almog

Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder at Blooma

Tal Almog Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Tal Almog Current Workplace




Phone Number

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Tal Almog Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Tal Almog

Tal Almog is the Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder at Blooma based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Previously, Tal was the Senior Director, Operations & Data Science at Cisco Systems and also held positions at Maintenancenet, Life Technologies, Amdocs, Webregator, Second Cup Coffee Co., World of Hyatt. Tal received a Bachelor of Science degree from Nova Southeastern University.Explore more

Tal Almog Current Workplace


2018-present (7 years)

Blooma Nashville Yoga is a sister studio to Blooma Inc., based in Minneapolis. I've been part of the Blooma family from the very beginning, when I helped my dear friend & Blooma founder Sarah Longacre Ehlers bring her vision for a prenatal/postnatal yoga studio into being. After helping open the doors to Blooma Minneapolis, I taught there for two years & just fell in love. When my family moved to the South shortly after the birth of our second child, I deeply felt the loss of the Blooma community and the amazing support and love that had surrounded me there. I struggled through the next two years of motherhood with two little ones and a dose of postpartum depression - and that experience set the stage for the birth of Blooma Nashville Yoga now taking place. I am so very excited to hold space for the women of Nashville to weave a sweet web of Blooma love here in middle Tennessee! We have awesome resources for pregnancy, birth, and parenting. We have an incredible sense of community, andSee more

Tal Almog Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Director, Operations & Data Science

Cisco Systems


Chief Operating Officer



Project Management Office Senior Manager, Information Technology

Life Technologies


Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer





Bachelor of Science

Nova Southeastern University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations




Org Chart - Blooma

Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founde...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tal Almog

What company does Tal Almog work for?
Tal Almog works for Blooma as Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder
What is Tal Almog’s role in Blooma?
Tal Almog’s role in Blooma is Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder
What is Tal Almog’s email address?
Tal Almog’s email address is t***@blooma.com
What is Tal Almog’s business email address?
Tal Almog’s business email address is t***@blooma.com
What is Tal Almog’s direct phone number?
Tal Almog’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Tal Almog’s work phone number?
Tal Almog’s headquarters phone number is (612) 223-8064
What is Tal Almog’s latest job experience?
Tal Almog’s latest job experience is Senior Director, Operations & Data Science at Cisco Systems
What is Tal Almog’s latest education?
Tal Almog’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at Nova Southeastern University
Which industry does Tal Almog work in?
Tal Almog works in the industry of Fitness & Dance Facilities, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Tal Almog’s peers at other companies?
Tal Almog’s peers at other companies are Nick Rosonke, Patricia Pichardo, Sudhir Rana, Benjamin Mbouombouo, Steven Szaronos.
Who are Tal Almog’s colleagues?
Some of Tal Almog’s colleagues are Peter Menelly, Katie Luse, Kevin Gainey, Sarah Branion.
How can I contact Tal Almog?
Tal Almog contact details: Email address: t***@blooma.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Tal Almog?

Tal Almog is the Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder at Blooma based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Previously, Tal was the Senior Director, Operations & Data Science at Cisco Systems and also held positions at Maintenancenet, Life Technologies, Amdocs, Webregator, Second Cup Coffee Co., World of Hyatt. Tal received a Bachelor of Science degree from... Nova Southeastern University.Read More

Where is Tal Almog based?
Tal Almog works for Blooma, located at United States
Who is Blooma’s Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder?
Blooma's Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder is Tal Almog
See more information about Tal Almog

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