Syed Raza Gillani

Biomedical Services Engineer & Medical Equipment Engineer & Specialist at Abu Dhabi International Medical Services

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Syed Raza Gillani Work Experience Summary

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About Syed Raza Gillani

Syed Raza Gillani is a Biomedical Services Engineer & Medical Equipment Engineer & Specialist at Abu Dhabi International Medical Services based in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi. Previously, Syed was a Biomedical Engineer at Mediland Pakistan and also held positions at Ch Pervaiz Elahi Institute Of Cardiology Multan.Explore more

Syed Raza Gillani Current Workplace

ADI is recognized for its extensive range of healthcare products and services, but the firm's primary significance goes back to being the authorized supplier of GE Healthcare systems. Nevertheless it is well known that GE Healthcare is a topnotch global medical technology company that provides a broad portfolio of high-end products, solutions and services used in the imaging, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients, as well as in the development and manufacturing of other medical products. In addition to being one of the pinnacle suppliers, ADI moved further on to provide full turnkey solutions to hospitals and medical centers across the UAE and Gulf Region. Over the past few years, ADI has broadened its product portfolio, both vertically and horizontally. It has expanded the range of products and services and focused further on extended chains of products and sub-products to cover every aspect and need in the medical & healthcare field. ADI products and services departments toSee more

Syed Raza Gillani Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Biomedical Engineer

Mediland Pakistan


Biomedical Internee Engineer

Ch Pervaiz Elahi Institute Of Cardiology Multan


Org Chart - Abu Dhabi International Medical Services


Biomedical Services Engineer & Medi...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Syed Raza Gillani

What company does Syed Raza Gillani work for?
Syed Raza Gillani works for Abu Dhabi International Medical Services as Biomedical Services Engineer & Medical Equipment Engineer & Specialist
What is Syed Raza Gillani’s role in Abu Dhabi International Medical Services?
Syed Raza Gillani’s role in Abu Dhabi International Medical Services is Biomedical Services Engineer & Medical Equipment Engineer & Specialist
What is Syed Raza Gillani’s direct phone number?
Syed Raza Gillani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Syed Raza Gillani’s work phone number?
Syed Raza Gillani’s headquarters phone number is +971 44300841
What is Syed Raza Gillani’s latest job experience?
Syed Raza Gillani’s latest job experience is Biomedical Engineer at Mediland Pakistan
Which industry does Syed Raza Gillani work in?
Syed Raza Gillani works in the industry of Healthcare General, Healthcare.
Who are Syed Raza Gillani’s peers at other companies?
Syed Raza Gillani’s peers at other companies are Sanskar Agrawal, Ashik Mohamed, Abobaker Suliaman, Nohaila Lemtai, Ali Mhnna.
Who are Syed Raza Gillani’s colleagues?
Some of Syed Raza Gillani’s colleagues are Annie Espela, Noufriel Bocalan, Tareq Al Saqqa, Marvin Go.
Who is Syed Raza Gillani?

Syed Raza Gillani is a Biomedical Services Engineer & Medical Equipment Engineer & Specialist at Abu Dhabi International Medical Services based in Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi. Previously, Syed was a Biomedical Engineer at Mediland Pakistan and also held positions at Ch Pervaiz Elahi Institute Of Cardiology Multan.... Read More

Where is Syed Raza Gillani based?
Syed Raza Gillani works for Abu Dhabi International Medical Services, located at United Arab Emirates
See more information about Syed Raza Gillani

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