Syed Haider Gillani

Administrative Assistant, Human Resources at Global Engineering Services

Syed Haider Gillani Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Syed Haider Gillani Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Syed Haider Gillani

Syed Haider Gillani is an Administrative Assistant, Human Resources at Global Engineering Services based in Santa Clara, California.Explore more

Syed Haider Gillani Current Workplace

Global Engineering Services

2016-present (9 years)

Whizz is a leading Silicon Valley based technology company delivering best-in-class services for ASICs, FPGAs, and Systems. We offer a full spectrum of design services that enable products from concept to reality for a variety of customers from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Our team consists of engineers who have delivered successful products in the consumer, networking (wired and wireless), storage, and video markets. Our Silicon Services include functional design and verification of ASICs and FPGAs. The System Services include Design, Simulation, Layout, and from prototype to mid-range volume manufacturing. Our flexible business model and enthusiastic team of highly experienced and talented engineers with proven track records of delivering production silicon and systems helps customers realize their market objectives for very competitive products.

Syed Haider Gillani Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Data Entry Specialist

Global BPO Services



Agri Plex (Pvt).Ltd


Audit Clerk

Abdullah Sugar Mill


Org Chart - Global Engineering Services


Administrative Assistant, Human Res...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Syed Haider Gillani

What company does Syed Haider Gillani work for?
Syed Haider Gillani works for Global Engineering Services as Administrative Assistant, Human Resources
What is Syed Haider Gillani’s role in Global Engineering Services?
Syed Haider Gillani’s role in Global Engineering Services is Administrative Assistant, Human Resources
What is Syed Haider Gillani’s direct phone number?
Syed Haider Gillani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Syed Haider Gillani’s work phone number?
Syed Haider Gillani’s headquarters phone number is (408) 980-0400
What is Syed Haider Gillani’s latest job experience?
Syed Haider Gillani’s latest job experience is Data Entry Specialist at Global BPO Services
Which industry does Syed Haider Gillani work in?
Syed Haider Gillani works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Syed Haider Gillani’s peers at other companies?
Syed Haider Gillani’s peers at other companies are Sushma Reddy, Angy Jimenez, Mariah Green, Megan Carlson, Megan Wieseman.
Who are Syed Haider Gillani’s colleagues?
Some of Syed Haider Gillani’s colleagues are Clarence Raiford, Suvendu Dutta, Yin Tong, Askry Hassan.
Who is Syed Haider Gillani?

Syed Haider Gillani is an Administrative Assistant, Human Resources at Global Engineering Services based in Santa Clara, California.... Read More

Where is Syed Haider Gillani based?
Syed Haider Gillani works for Global Engineering Services, located at United States
See more information about Syed Haider Gillani

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