Syed Byhaqi

Digital Marketing Specialist at InterDigitel

Syed Byhaqi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Syed Byhaqi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Syed Byhaqi

Syed Byhaqi is a Digital Marketing Specialist at InterDigitel based in Bang Rak, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya. Previously, Syed was a Digital Marketing Intern at InterDigitel and also held positions at Jammu & Kashmir State Power Development.Explore more

Syed Byhaqi Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

InterDigitel is a network of like-minded individuals and entities who share a passion for technology and understand its growing significance in the way we do business, offering our clients with unique strategies to create impact in an ever-changing and competitive digital landscape. At InterDigitel we offer strategic integration of content and marketing campaigns across all channels and platforms to create a highly effective model that is result oriented and measurable. From design creatives to branded content and development of digital properties to devising and executing effective digital marketing strategies, our diverse and experienced team has helped brands around the world transform their vision into reality. A dynamic and inspiring leader with over 10 years of experience in Marketing and Business Development having worked across various industry sectors from media services to FMCG and has been instrumental in the success of several start-up businesses. A versatile IT specialistSee more

Syed Byhaqi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Digital Marketing Intern



Org Chart - InterDigitel


Digital Marketing Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Syed Byhaqi

What company does Syed Byhaqi work for?
Syed Byhaqi works for InterDigitel as Digital Marketing Specialist
What is Syed Byhaqi’s role in InterDigitel?
Syed Byhaqi’s role in InterDigitel is Digital Marketing Specialist
What is Syed Byhaqi’s direct phone number?
Syed Byhaqi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Syed Byhaqi’s work phone number?
Syed Byhaqi’s headquarters phone number is +66 20260320
What is Syed Byhaqi’s latest job experience?
Syed Byhaqi’s latest job experience is Digital Marketing Intern at InterDigitel
Which industry does Syed Byhaqi work in?
Syed Byhaqi works in the industry of Advertising & Marketing, Business Services.
Who are Syed Byhaqi’s peers at other companies?
Syed Byhaqi’s peers at other companies are Jacqueline Barnett, Cheryl Sperling, Iris Desuyo, Mohammed Sharuk, Dawn Wills.
Who are Syed Byhaqi’s colleagues?
Some of Syed Byhaqi’s colleagues are Farhan Masudi, Danish Nissar, Tariq Rehmani, James Fox.
Who is Syed Byhaqi?

Syed Byhaqi is a Digital Marketing Specialist at InterDigitel based in Bang Rak, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya. Previously, Syed was a Digital Marketing Intern at InterDigitel and also held positions at Jammu & Kashmir State Power Development.... Read More

Where is Syed Byhaqi based?
Syed Byhaqi works for InterDigitel, located at Thailand
See more information about Syed Byhaqi

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