
Syed Ali Gillani

Accounts Payable Specialist at OGDEN CAP PROPERTIES

Syed Ali Gillani Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Syed Ali Gillani Current Workplace



Number of Employees


Syed Ali Gillani Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Syed Ali Gillani

Syed Ali Gillani is an Accounts Payable Specialist at OGDEN CAP PROPERTIES based in New York City, New York. Previously, Syed was an Accounts Payable Coordinator at Park Avenue Building & Roofing Supplies.Explore more

Syed Ali Gillani Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

As one of New York Citys premier residential real estate owners and managers, Ogden CAP Properties is recognized in the marketplace for its uncompromised commitment to quality and resident satisfaction. Luxury apartments with impeccable service and outstanding amenities are the hallmarks that distinguish the Ogden brand among the elite in Manhattan. Ogdens first-class properties are located in Manhattans most coveted neighborhoods. From full-service gyms and sprawling rooftop terraces, to round-the-clock doormen, concierge and valet services, Ogden residents across Manhattan have become accustomed to a rare level of luxury and an uncompromising lifestyle.

Syed Ali Gillani Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Accounts Payable Coordinator

Park Avenue Building & Roofing Supplies


Supervisor, Accounts Payable

Descon Engineering Limited


Accounts Officer





Accounts Payable Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Syed Ali Gillani

What company does Syed Ali Gillani work for?
Syed Ali Gillani works for OGDEN CAP PROPERTIES as Accounts Payable Specialist
What is Syed Ali Gillani’s role in OGDEN CAP PROPERTIES?
Syed Ali Gillani’s role in OGDEN CAP PROPERTIES is Accounts Payable Specialist
What is Syed Ali Gillani’s email address?
Syed Ali Gillani’s email address is s***@ogdencapproperties.com
What is Syed Ali Gillani’s business email address?
Syed Ali Gillani’s business email address is s***@ogdencapproperties.com
What is Syed Ali Gillani’s direct phone number?
Syed Ali Gillani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Syed Ali Gillani’s work phone number?
Syed Ali Gillani’s headquarters phone number is (212) 289-5000
What is Syed Ali Gillani’s latest job experience?
Syed Ali Gillani’s latest job experience is Accounts Payable Coordinator at Park Avenue Building & Roofing Supplies
Which industry does Syed Ali Gillani work in?
Syed Ali Gillani works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Syed Ali Gillani’s peers at other companies?
Syed Ali Gillani’s peers at other companies are Stephanie Dempsey, Toni Fields, Deborah Spowart, Lakshmi Murali, Raveena Bissoon.
Who are Syed Ali Gillani’s colleagues?
Some of Syed Ali Gillani’s colleagues are Kenneth Scheiweis, Rafana Haque, Carlos Rivas, Philip Milstein.
How can I contact Syed Ali Gillani?
Syed Ali Gillani contact details: Email address: s***@ogdencapproperties.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Syed Ali Gillani?

Syed Ali Gillani is an Accounts Payable Specialist at OGDEN CAP PROPERTIES based in New York City, New York. Previously, Syed was an Accounts Payable Coordinator at Park Avenue Building & Roofing Supplies.... Read More

Where is Syed Ali Gillani based?
Syed Ali Gillani works for OGDEN CAP PROPERTIES, located at United States
See more information about Syed Ali Gillani

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