Suzy Jenks

Communications Strategic Manager at Communications Connection

Suzy Jenks Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Suzy Jenks Current Workplace



Number of Employees

About Suzy Jenks

Suzy Jenks is a Communications Strategic Manager at Communications Connection based in Morrison, Colorado.

Suzy Jenks Current Workplace

Communications Connection

2009-present (16 years)

Communications Connection is a Morrison, Colorado based, family owned and operated communications consulting company. We install voice/data network systems and low voltage cable infrastructure. We have been serving the Front Range and Inter-mountain areas of Colorado since 1996. Estimates are free and we do not charge for standard tech support.

Org Chart - Communications Connection

Suzy Jenks

Communications Strategic Manager

Intent on Suzy Jenks's Company


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Suzy Jenks

What company does Suzy Jenks work for?
Suzy Jenks works for Communications Connection as Communications Strategic Manager
What is Suzy Jenks’s role in Communications Connection?
Suzy Jenks’s role in Communications Connection is Communications Strategic Manager
What is Suzy Jenks’s direct phone number?
Suzy Jenks’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Suzy Jenks’s work phone number?
Suzy Jenks’s headquarters phone number is (720) 981-8709
Which industry does Suzy Jenks work in?
Suzy Jenks works in the industry of Consumer Services General, Consumer Services.
Who are Suzy Jenks’s colleagues?
Some of Suzy Jenks’s colleagues are Steve Thurston, Pierre Lehu.
Who is Suzy Jenks?

Suzy Jenks is a Communications Strategic Manager at Communications Connection based in Morrison, Colorado....

Where is Suzy Jenks based?
Suzy Jenks works for Communications Connection, located at United States