Susan McBride

President at Jefferson Davis Community College

Susan McBride Email & Phone number


(251) ***-****

Susan McBride Current Workplace



Number of Employees

About Susan McBride

Susan McBride is the President of Jefferson Davis Community College, based in Brewton, Alabama, United States. She is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and daily operations of the institution, ensuring its continued success and growth.

Susan McBride Current Workplace

Jefferson Davis Community College

2001-present (24 years)

Jefferson Davis Community College serves students in Conecuh and Escambia counties and a portion of Monroe county.

Org Chart - Jefferson Davis Community College

Susan McBride


Recent News About Susan McBride

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Susan McBride

What company does Susan McBride work for?
Susan McBride works for Jefferson Davis Community College as President
What is Susan McBride’s role in Jefferson Davis Community College?
Susan McBride’s role in Jefferson Davis Community College is President
What is Susan McBride’s direct phone number?
Susan McBride’s direct phone number is (251) ***-****
What is Susan McBride’s work phone number?
Susan McBride’s headquarters phone number is (630) 527-0485
Which industry does Susan McBride work in?
Susan McBride works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Susan McBride’s peers at other companies?
Susan McBride’s peers at other companies are Beth Brainard, Samuel Ausen, William Heineman, Falecia Williams, Cheryl Bull.
Who are Susan McBride’s colleagues?
Some of Susan McBride’s colleagues are Mark Miller, Kimberly Johnson, Twana Cartagena, Moore Maurice.
Who is Susan McBride?

Susan McBride is the President of Jefferson Davis Community College, based in Brewton, Alabama, United States. She is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and daily operations of the institution, ensuring its continued success and growth....

Where is Susan McBride based?
Susan McBride works for Jefferson Davis Community College, located at United States
Who is Jefferson Davis Community College’s President?
Jefferson Davis Community College's President is Susan McBride