Susan Creitz

Human Resource Administrator at The Church on the Way

Susan Creitz Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Susan Creitz Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Susan Creitz

Susan Creitz is a Human Resource Administrator at The Church on the Way based in Van Nuys, California.

Susan Creitz Current Workplace

The Church on the Way

2014-present (11 years)

The Church On The Way exists to know, and to make known, the love God has shown in His Son Jesus Christ-our crucified, risen, exalted and soon-returning King! We are a group of everyday people seeking to live out our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Simply put, we each mean to live a life by-and filled with-the Holy Spirit.

Org Chart - The Church on the Way

Susan Creitz

Human Resource Administrator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Susan Creitz

What company does Susan Creitz work for?
Susan Creitz works for The Church on the Way as Human Resource Administrator
What is Susan Creitz’s role in The Church on the Way?
Susan Creitz’s role in The Church on the Way is Human Resource Administrator
What is Susan Creitz’s email address?
Susan Creitz’s email address is s***@tcotw.org
What is Susan Creitz’s business email address?
Susan Creitz’s business email address is s***@tcotw.org
What is Susan Creitz’s direct phone number?
Susan Creitz’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Susan Creitz’s work phone number?
Susan Creitz’s headquarters phone number is (818) 779-8000
Which industry does Susan Creitz work in?
Susan Creitz works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Susan Creitz’s peers at other companies?
Susan Creitz’s peers at other companies are Kamoza Chimungu, Mary Deodati, Tyra Alford, Rony Camacho, Audrey Mastamet.
Who are Susan Creitz’s colleagues?
Some of Susan Creitz’s colleagues are Mark Goodfellow, Yvonne Maxwell, Cecilia Freeman, Don Humble.
How can I contact Susan Creitz?
Susan Creitz contact details: Email address: s***@tcotw.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Susan Creitz?

Susan Creitz is a Human Resource Administrator at The Church on the Way based in Van Nuys, California....

Where is Susan Creitz based?
Susan Creitz works for The Church on the Way, located at United States