
Susan Charron

Litigation Law Clerk at Vice & Hunter

Susan Charron Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Susan Charron

Susan Charron is a Litigation Law Clerk at Vice & Hunter based in Ottawa, Ontario.Explore more

Susan Charron Current Workplace

Vice & Hunter

2010-present (15 years)

Vice & Hunter LLP has served clients throughout the Ottawa Valley and Eastern Ontario since 1975. We have a proven record of being dedicated to personal, accessible service, setting high professional standards, and getting the best results for our clients. Founded by J. Peter Vice, Q.C. and William Hunter, we have traditionally operated as a tightly knit group of lawyers, working together in a select range of fields. Our skilled, experienced support staff works closely with our lawyers, resulting in superior legal services for our clients. Our reputation for diligence and success has grown over the years amongst our clients, colleagues and other professionals in the region. As Ottawa and Eastern Ontario municipalities have become more sophisticated in their requirements, we have become one of the region's leading firms in municipal and planning law. Our firm has acted for all sides in development and municipal cases, and used our positive working relationships with municipalities to thSee more

Org Chart - Vice & Hunter


Litigation Law Clerk




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Susan Charron

What company does Susan Charron work for?
Susan Charron works for Vice & Hunter as Litigation Law Clerk
What is Susan Charron’s role in Vice & Hunter?
Susan Charron’s role in Vice & Hunter is Litigation Law Clerk
What is Susan Charron’s email address?
Susan Charron’s email address is s***@viceandhunter.ca
What is Susan Charron’s business email address?
Susan Charron’s business email address is s***@viceandhunter.ca
What is Susan Charron’s direct phone number?
Susan Charron’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Susan Charron’s work phone number?
Susan Charron’s headquarters phone number is (613) 232-5773
Which industry does Susan Charron work in?
Susan Charron works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Susan Charron’s peers at other companies?
Susan Charron’s peers at other companies are Colleen Carriere, Rossana Campoli-Apa, Heather Walker, Elizabeth Reid, Sonia Chase.
Who are Susan Charron’s colleagues?
Some of Susan Charron’s colleagues are Paul Leblanc, Kevan Wylie, Arlety Casanova, Cheryl Letourneau.
How can I contact Susan Charron?
Susan Charron contact details: Email address: s***@viceandhunter.ca Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Susan Charron?

Susan Charron is a Litigation Law Clerk at Vice & Hunter based in Ottawa, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Susan Charron based?
Susan Charron works for Vice & Hunter, located at Canada
See more information about Susan Charron

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